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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors yellow #ffff00 and indigo #4b0082. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette clclc has combination of 20 codes colors:
HEX: #ff0000, RGB: (255, 0, 0); HEX: #ffa500, RGB: (255, 165, 0); HEX: #ffff00, RGB: (255, 255, 0)
HEX: #008000, RGB: (0, 128, 0); HEX: #0000ff, RGB: (0, 0, 255); HEX: #4b0082, RGB: (75, 0, 130)
HEX: #ee82ee, RGB: (238, 130, 238); HEX: #822ebe, RGB: (130, 46, 190); HEX: #672d30, RGB: (103, 45, 48)
HEX: #ea378f, RGB: (234, 55, 143); HEX: #fdcf5e, RGB: (253, 207, 94); HEX: #3f685d, RGB: (63, 104, 93)
HEX: #5a8270, RGB: (90, 130, 112); HEX: #975e3a, RGB: (151, 94, 58); HEX: #8fc546, RGB: (143, 197, 70)
HEX: #7dc132, RGB: (125, 193, 50); HEX: #088f2e, RGB: (8, 143, 46); HEX: #61138c, RGB: (97, 19, 140)
HEX: #17cb03, RGB: (23, 203, 3); HEX: #11ee55, RGB: (17, 238, 85)
Simplified version of palette colors
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, indigo, violet, Shade of darkviolet, Shade of Maroon, Shade of deeppink, Shade of gold, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of Teal, Shade of sienna, Tint of Yellowgreen, Tint of Yellowgreen, Tint of forestgreen, Shade of indigo, Tint of limegreen, Tint of springgreen
Color scheme was created by —(••÷ 🎀 𝒰𝓃𝒾 🎀 ÷••(—

Colors codes in palette

clclc color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ff0000 RGB(255, 0, 0)redRed1
#ffa500 RGB(255, 165, 0)orangeOrange1
#ffff00 RGB(255, 255, 0)yellowYellow1
#008000 RGB(0, 128, 0)greenHulk
#0000ff RGB(0, 0, 255)blueBlue1
#4b0082 RGB(75, 0, 130)indigo
#ee82ee RGB(238, 130, 238)violetMamie Pink
#822ebe RGB(130, 46, 190)
#672d30 RGB(103, 45, 48)
#ea378f RGB(234, 55, 143)
#fdcf5e RGB(253, 207, 94)
#3f685d RGB(63, 104, 93)
#5a8270 RGB(90, 130, 112)
#975e3a RGB(151, 94, 58)
#8fc546 RGB(143, 197, 70)
#7dc132 RGB(125, 193, 50)
#088f2e RGB(8, 143, 46)
#61138c RGB(97, 19, 140)
#17cb03 RGB(23, 203, 3)
#11ee55 RGB(17, 238, 85)Mike Wazowski Green

Color Palette Contrast

85 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette clclc png

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