Created at 04/19/2023 12:43
Lettering network unused piechart
Anti-Flash White
Philippine Yellow
Orange peel
The palette consists of Dark, Light colors. Accent colors UCLA Gold #ffb400 and Philippine Yellow #ffc800. Palette has Neutral, Warm colors temperature.
Palette Lettering network unused piechart has combination of 6 codes colors:
HEX: #141414, RGB: (20, 20, 20); HEX: #f0f0f0, RGB: (240, 240, 240); HEX: #ffffff, RGB: (255, 255, 255)
HEX: #ffb400, RGB: (255, 180, 0); HEX: #ffc800, RGB: (255, 200, 0); HEX: #ffa000, RGB: (255, 160, 0)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Black, Tint of whitesmoke, White, Shade of Orange, Tint of gold, Tint of Orange
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Lettering network unused piechart color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color Palette Contrast
9 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#f0f0f0 | #ffffff | 1.13 |
#f0f0f0 | #ffb400 | 1.56 |
#f0f0f0 | #ffc800 | 1.36 |
#f0f0f0 | #ffa000 | 1.79 |
#ffffff | #ffb400 | 1.78 |
#ffffff | #ffc800 | 1.55 |