Created at 12/27/2023 17:49
Gory Red, Honey, Midas Touch, Uran Mica, Spring Bouquet, Tropical Kelp, By the Bayou, Radicchio, Nail Polish Pink, Emerald Spring,
Gory Red
Midas Touch
Uran Mica
Spring Bouquet
Tropical Kelp
By the Bayou
Nail Polish Pink
Emerald Spring
Candied Blueberry
Alpine Race
Pageant Song
Parisian Cashmere
Fresh Willow
Modern Zen
Eternal Winter
Panda White
Pale Orchid
White Fence
Fennel Tea
The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Gory Red #a30800 and Eternal Winter #9cfaff. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Gory Red, Honey, Midas Touch, Uran Mica, Spring Bouquet, Tropical Kelp, By the Bayou, Radicchio, Nail Polish Pink, Emerald Spring, has combination of 23 codes colors:
HEX: #a30800, RGB: (163, 8, 0); HEX: #ba9238, RGB: (186, 146, 56); HEX: #e8bd45, RGB: (232, 189, 69)
HEX: #93b778, RGB: (147, 183, 120); HEX: #6dce87, RGB: (109, 206, 135); HEX: #009d7d, RGB: (0, 157, 125)
HEX: #007b90, RGB: (0, 123, 144); HEX: #745166, RGB: (116, 81, 102); HEX: #bd4e84, RGB: (189, 78, 132)
HEX: #095155, RGB: (9, 81, 85); HEX: #331166, RGB: (51, 17, 102); HEX: #234162, RGB: (35, 65, 98)
HEX: #a4c48e, RGB: (164, 196, 142); HEX: #b6c3d1, RGB: (182, 195, 209); HEX: #d1c7b8, RGB: (209, 199, 184)
HEX: #e1d9aa, RGB: (225, 217, 170); HEX: #e0deb2, RGB: (224, 222, 178); HEX: #9cfaff, RGB: (156, 250, 255)
HEX: #e0e1c1, RGB: (224, 225, 193); HEX: #eae2d4, RGB: (234, 226, 212); HEX: #dedbe5, RGB: (222, 219, 229)
HEX: #f2e9d3, RGB: (242, 233, 211); HEX: #d2f4dd, RGB: (210, 244, 221)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of darkseagreen, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of seashell, Tint of Teal, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of Silver, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of palegoldenrod, Shade of paleturquoise, Tint of beige, Tint of oldlace, Tint of lavender, Tint of cornsilk, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Gory Red, Honey, Midas Touch, Uran Mica, Spring Bouquet, Tropical Kelp, By the Bayou, Radicchio, Nail Polish Pink, Emerald Spring, color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#a30800 | RGB(163, 8, 0) | Gory Red | — | |
#ba9238 | RGB(186, 146, 56) | Honey | — | |
#e8bd45 | RGB(232, 189, 69) | Midas Touch | — | |
#93b778 | RGB(147, 183, 120) | Uran Mica | — | |
#6dce87 | RGB(109, 206, 135) | Spring Bouquet | — | |
#009d7d | RGB(0, 157, 125) | Tropical Kelp | — | |
#007b90 | RGB(0, 123, 144) | By the Bayou | — | |
#745166 | RGB(116, 81, 102) | Radicchio | — | |
#bd4e84 | RGB(189, 78, 132) | Nail Polish Pink | — | |
#095155 | RGB(9, 81, 85) | Emerald Spring | — | |
#331166 | RGB(51, 17, 102) | Candied Blueberry | — | |
#234162 | RGB(35, 65, 98) | Alpine Race | — | |
#a4c48e | RGB(164, 196, 142) | Cos | — | |
#b6c3d1 | RGB(182, 195, 209) | Pageant Song | — | |
#d1c7b8 | RGB(209, 199, 184) | Parisian Cashmere | — | |
#e1d9aa | RGB(225, 217, 170) | Fresh Willow | — | |
#e0deb2 | RGB(224, 222, 178) | Modern Zen | — | |
#9cfaff | RGB(156, 250, 255) | Eternal Winter | — | |
#e0e1c1 | RGB(224, 225, 193) | Lilylock | — | |
#eae2d4 | RGB(234, 226, 212) | Panda White | — | |
#dedbe5 | RGB(222, 219, 229) | Pale Orchid | — | |
#f2e9d3 | RGB(242, 233, 211) | White Fence | — | |
#d2f4dd | RGB(210, 244, 221) | Fennel Tea | — |
Color Palette Contrast
124 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#a30800 | #007b90 | 1.63 |
#a30800 | #745166 | 1.2 |
#a30800 | #bd4e84 | 1.76 |
#a30800 | #095155 | 1.11 |
#a30800 | #331166 | 1.83 |
#a30800 | #234162 | 1.29 |