Created at 12/27/2023 20:23

Moon Base, Marmot, Honeycomb Yellow, Raw Sienna, Stadium Lawn, Leafy, Azurite Water Green, Ocean Swell, Vallarta Blue, River Blue,

Moon Base
Honeycomb Yellow
Raw Sienna
Stadium Lawn
Azurite Water Green
Ocean Swell
Vallarta Blue
River Blue
Private Tone
Brown Bear
Dusty Heather
Silver Tinsel
Plum Juice
Refreshing Tea
Silver Grass
Avid Apricot
Tomatillo Peel
Spoiled Rotten
Tranquil Retreat
Galactic Mediator
Old Yellow Bricks
Sinner's City
Fragrant Jasmine
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Raw Sienna #9a6200 and River Blue #38afcd. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Moon Base, Marmot, Honeycomb Yellow, Raw Sienna, Stadium Lawn, Leafy, Azurite Water Green, Ocean Swell, Vallarta Blue, River Blue, has combination of 26 codes colors:
HEX: #7d7d77, RGB: (125, 125, 119); HEX: #928475, RGB: (146, 132, 117); HEX: #de9c52, RGB: (222, 156, 82)
HEX: #9a6200, RGB: (154, 98, 0); HEX: #9af764, RGB: (154, 247, 100); HEX: #679b6a, RGB: (103, 155, 106)
HEX: #497f73, RGB: (73, 127, 115); HEX: #727c7e, RGB: (114, 124, 126); HEX: #30658e, RGB: (48, 101, 142)
HEX: #38afcd, RGB: (56, 175, 205); HEX: #845469, RGB: (132, 84, 105); HEX: #d42e5b, RGB: (212, 46, 91)
HEX: #4a3f37, RGB: (74, 63, 55); HEX: #8990a3, RGB: (137, 144, 163); HEX: #b6b3a9, RGB: (182, 179, 169)
HEX: #dea1dd, RGB: (222, 161, 221); HEX: #ebdda6, RGB: (235, 221, 166); HEX: #c6cec3, RGB: (198, 206, 195)
HEX: #f4c69f, RGB: (244, 198, 159); HEX: #cad3c1, RGB: (202, 211, 193); HEX: #b6bfe5, RGB: (182, 191, 229)
HEX: #dbd2cf, RGB: (219, 210, 207); HEX: #e0dfdb, RGB: (224, 223, 219); HEX: #ece6d7, RGB: (236, 230, 215)
HEX: #fee5cb, RGB: (254, 229, 203); HEX: #fbf6e7, RGB: (251, 246, 231)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Shade of Grey, Tint of sandybrown, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of lawngreen, Shade of seashell, Shade of Teal, Tint of Grey, Tint of steelblue, Shade of deepskyblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of crimson, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of darkgrey, Shade of plum, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of beige, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of lightgrey, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of oldlace, Shade of bisque, Shade of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Moon Base, Marmot, Honeycomb Yellow, Raw Sienna, Stadium Lawn, Leafy, Azurite Water Green, Ocean Swell, Vallarta Blue, River Blue, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#7d7d77 RGB(125, 125, 119)Moon Base
#928475 RGB(146, 132, 117)Marmot
#de9c52 RGB(222, 156, 82)Honeycomb Yellow
#9a6200 RGB(154, 98, 0)Raw SiennaRaw sienna
#9af764 RGB(154, 247, 100)Stadium LawnLight grass green
#679b6a RGB(103, 155, 106)Leafy
#497f73 RGB(73, 127, 115)Azurite Water Green
#727c7e RGB(114, 124, 126)Ocean Swell
#30658e RGB(48, 101, 142)Vallarta Blue
#38afcd RGB(56, 175, 205)River Blue
#845469 RGB(132, 84, 105)Private Tone
#d42e5b RGB(212, 46, 91)Azalea
#4a3f37 RGB(74, 63, 55)Brown Bear
#8990a3 RGB(137, 144, 163)Dusty Heather
#b6b3a9 RGB(182, 179, 169)Silver Tinsel
#dea1dd RGB(222, 161, 221)Plum Juice
#ebdda6 RGB(235, 221, 166)Refreshing Tea
#c6cec3 RGB(198, 206, 195)Silver Grass
#f4c69f RGB(244, 198, 159)Avid Apricot
#cad3c1 RGB(202, 211, 193)Tomatillo Peel
#b6bfe5 RGB(182, 191, 229)Spoiled Rotten
#dbd2cf RGB(219, 210, 207)Tranquil Retreat
#e0dfdb RGB(224, 223, 219)Galactic Mediator
#ece6d7 RGB(236, 230, 215)Old Yellow Bricks
#fee5cb RGB(254, 229, 203)Sinner's City
#fbf6e7 RGB(251, 246, 231)Fragrant Jasmine

Color Palette Contrast

172 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Moon Base, Marmot, Honeycomb Yellow, Raw Sienna, Stadium Lawn, Leafy, Azurite Water Green, Ocean Swell, Vallarta Blue, River Blue, png

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