Created at 12/27/2023 21:03

Atlas Red, Run Lola Run, Sandwashed Driftwood, Tankard Grey, Campfire Blaze, Space Explorer, Catnip Wood, Parma Plum Red, Cracked

Atlas Red
Run Lola Run
Sandwashed Driftwood
Tankard Grey
Campfire Blaze
Space Explorer
Catnip Wood
Parma Plum Red
Cracked Pepper
Tempe Star
Saturn Grey
Valley Mist
Jade Spell
Olympus White
Ivory Oats
Reduced Sand
Daisy White
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The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Run Lola Run #da2811 and Space Explorer #114499. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Atlas Red, Run Lola Run, Sandwashed Driftwood, Tankard Grey, Campfire Blaze, Space Explorer, Catnip Wood, Parma Plum Red, Cracked has combination of 19 codes colors:
HEX: #82193a, RGB: (130, 25, 58); HEX: #da2811, RGB: (218, 40, 17); HEX: #706859, RGB: (112, 104, 89)
HEX: #7d7463, RGB: (125, 116, 99); HEX: #b67656, RGB: (182, 118, 86); HEX: #114499, RGB: (17, 68, 153)
HEX: #6f6066, RGB: (111, 96, 102); HEX: #5e3958, RGB: (94, 57, 88); HEX: #4f5152, RGB: (79, 81, 82)
HEX: #47626a, RGB: (71, 98, 106); HEX: #b8b19f, RGB: (184, 177, 159); HEX: #a5bebd, RGB: (165, 190, 189)
HEX: #c9d5cb, RGB: (201, 213, 203); HEX: #c1e5d5, RGB: (193, 229, 213); HEX: #f1bdba, RGB: (241, 189, 186)
HEX: #d4d8d7, RGB: (212, 216, 215); HEX: #f9e4c1, RGB: (249, 228, 193); HEX: #eee5da, RGB: (238, 229, 218)
HEX: #f8f3e3, RGB: (248, 243, 227)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Shade of Red, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of chocolate, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Purple, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of lightblue, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of paleturquoise, Tint of Pink, Shade of lightgrey, Shade of wheat, Tint of linen, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Atlas Red, Run Lola Run, Sandwashed Driftwood, Tankard Grey, Campfire Blaze, Space Explorer, Catnip Wood, Parma Plum Red, Cracked color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#82193a RGB(130, 25, 58)Atlas Red
#da2811 RGB(218, 40, 17)Run Lola Run
#706859 RGB(112, 104, 89)Sandwashed Driftwood
#7d7463 RGB(125, 116, 99)Tankard Grey
#b67656 RGB(182, 118, 86)Campfire Blaze
#114499 RGB(17, 68, 153)Space Explorer
#6f6066 RGB(111, 96, 102)Catnip Wood
#5e3958 RGB(94, 57, 88)Parma Plum Red
#4f5152 RGB(79, 81, 82)Cracked Pepper
#47626a RGB(71, 98, 106)Tempe Star
#b8b19f RGB(184, 177, 159)Saturn Grey
#a5bebd RGB(165, 190, 189)Falkland
#c9d5cb RGB(201, 213, 203)Valley Mist
#c1e5d5 RGB(193, 229, 213)Jade Spell
#f1bdba RGB(241, 189, 186)Pinkathon
#d4d8d7 RGB(212, 216, 215)Olympus White
#f9e4c1 RGB(249, 228, 193)Ivory Oats
#eee5da RGB(238, 229, 218)Reduced Sand
#f8f3e3 RGB(248, 243, 227)Daisy White

Color Palette Contrast

77 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Atlas Red, Run Lola Run, Sandwashed Driftwood, Tankard Grey, Campfire Blaze, Space Explorer, Catnip Wood, Parma Plum Red, Cracked png

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