Created at 12/27/2023 21:04

Transfusion, Eagle Ridge, River Bank, Suede Leather, Indiana Clay, Pastel Strawberry, Dollar, Venus Slipper Orchid, Highlighter Re

Eagle Ridge
River Bank
Suede Leather
Indiana Clay
Pastel Strawberry
Venus Slipper Orchid
Highlighter Red
Midnight Express
Sparkling Emerald
Red Mahogany
Strawberry Jubilee
Aluminium Powder
Spinach Dip
Salmon Slice
Crystal Yellow
White Vienna
Weathered Coral
Light Pale Pearl
Fish Bone
Melting Ice
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Venus Slipper Orchid #df73ff and Coincidence #c7de88. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Transfusion, Eagle Ridge, River Bank, Suede Leather, Indiana Clay, Pastel Strawberry, Dollar, Venus Slipper Orchid, Highlighter Re has combination of 26 codes colors:
HEX: #ea1833, RGB: (234, 24, 51); HEX: #7d776c, RGB: (125, 119, 108); HEX: #7e705e, RGB: (126, 112, 94)
HEX: #896757, RGB: (137, 103, 87); HEX: #e88a5b, RGB: (232, 138, 91); HEX: #ef4f4c, RGB: (239, 79, 76)
HEX: #7d8774, RGB: (125, 135, 116); HEX: #df73ff, RGB: (223, 115, 255); HEX: #e94f58, RGB: (233, 79, 88)
HEX: #21263a, RGB: (33, 38, 58); HEX: #34292a, RGB: (52, 41, 42); HEX: #1f6c53, RGB: (31, 108, 83)
HEX: #60373d, RGB: (96, 55, 61); HEX: #c08591, RGB: (192, 133, 145); HEX: #a9a0a9, RGB: (169, 160, 169)
HEX: #c7de88, RGB: (199, 222, 136); HEX: #cbc99d, RGB: (203, 201, 157); HEX: #b1cdac, RGB: (177, 205, 172)
HEX: #f1ac8d, RGB: (241, 172, 141); HEX: #e4d99f, RGB: (228, 217, 159); HEX: #c5dcb3, RGB: (197, 220, 179)
HEX: #ead0a9, RGB: (234, 208, 169); HEX: #d4cbce, RGB: (212, 203, 206); HEX: #e4d9c5, RGB: (228, 217, 197)
HEX: #cae1d9, RGB: (202, 225, 217); HEX: #f4e2d6, RGB: (244, 226, 214)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of crimson, Tint of Grey, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Shade of coral, Tint of tomato, Shade of Grey, Tint of violet, Shade of indianred, Shade of midnightblue, Shade of Black, Tint of Teal, Tint of brown, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of Khaki, Tint of palegoldenrod, Shade of darkseagreen, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of lightgoldenrodyellow, Tint of wheat, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Transfusion, Eagle Ridge, River Bank, Suede Leather, Indiana Clay, Pastel Strawberry, Dollar, Venus Slipper Orchid, Highlighter Re color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ea1833 RGB(234, 24, 51)Transfusion
#7d776c RGB(125, 119, 108)Eagle Ridge
#7e705e RGB(126, 112, 94)River Bank
#896757 RGB(137, 103, 87)Suede Leather
#e88a5b RGB(232, 138, 91)Indiana Clay
#ef4f4c RGB(239, 79, 76)Pastel Strawberry
#7d8774 RGB(125, 135, 116)Dollar
#df73ff RGB(223, 115, 255)Venus Slipper Orchid
#e94f58 RGB(233, 79, 88)Highlighter Red
#21263a RGB(33, 38, 58)Midnight Express
#34292a RGB(52, 41, 42)Ganache
#1f6c53 RGB(31, 108, 83)Sparkling Emerald
#60373d RGB(96, 55, 61)Red Mahogany
#c08591 RGB(192, 133, 145)Strawberry Jubilee
#a9a0a9 RGB(169, 160, 169)Aluminium Powder
#c7de88 RGB(199, 222, 136)Coincidence
#cbc99d RGB(203, 201, 157)Shagreen
#b1cdac RGB(177, 205, 172)Spinach Dip
#f1ac8d RGB(241, 172, 141)Salmon Slice
#e4d99f RGB(228, 217, 159)Crystal Yellow
#c5dcb3 RGB(197, 220, 179)White Vienna
#ead0a9 RGB(234, 208, 169)Weathered Coral
#d4cbce RGB(212, 203, 206)Light Pale Pearl
#e4d9c5 RGB(228, 217, 197)Fish Bone
#cae1d9 RGB(202, 225, 217)Melting Ice
#f4e2d6 RGB(244, 226, 214)Alyssa

Color Palette Contrast

158 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Transfusion, Eagle Ridge, River Bank, Suede Leather, Indiana Clay, Pastel Strawberry, Dollar, Venus Slipper Orchid, Highlighter Re png

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