Created at 12/27/2023 22:42

Summer Sunset, Fresh Gingerbread, Yellow Varnish, Chinese Green, Expanse, Do Not Disturb, Extra Life, Bayside, Crisp Cyan, Lyric B

Summer Sunset
Fresh Gingerbread
Yellow Varnish
Chinese Green
Do Not Disturb
Extra Life
Crisp Cyan
Lyric Blue
Fountain Blue
Pink Jazz
Devil's Advocate
Alpine Salamander
Turkish Aqua
Lounge Violet
Purple Ragwort
Sour Face
Sinking Sand
Embellished Blue
Idyllic Pink
Royal Gold
Blustery Wind
Cool Quiet
Arts & Crafts Gold
Smashed Potatoes
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Crisp Cyan #22ffff and Devil's Advocate #ff3344. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Summer Sunset, Fresh Gingerbread, Yellow Varnish, Chinese Green, Expanse, Do Not Disturb, Extra Life, Bayside, Crisp Cyan, Lyric B has combination of 30 codes colors:
HEX: #d88167, RGB: (216, 129, 103); HEX: #d3691f, RGB: (211, 105, 31); HEX: #eab565, RGB: (234, 181, 101)
HEX: #d0db61, RGB: (208, 219, 97); HEX: #777e65, RGB: (119, 126, 101); HEX: #99a456, RGB: (153, 164, 86)
HEX: #6ab417, RGB: (106, 180, 23); HEX: #5fc9bf, RGB: (95, 201, 191); HEX: #22ffff, RGB: (34, 255, 255)
HEX: #728791, RGB: (114, 135, 145); HEX: #65adb2, RGB: (101, 173, 178); HEX: #947cae, RGB: (148, 124, 174)
HEX: #9e6b89, RGB: (158, 107, 137); HEX: #ff3344, RGB: (255, 51, 68); HEX: #051009, RGB: (5, 16, 9)
HEX: #006169, RGB: (0, 97, 105); HEX: #006f49, RGB: (0, 111, 73); HEX: #5e336d, RGB: (94, 51, 109)
HEX: #8c8798, RGB: (140, 135, 152); HEX: #adc979, RGB: (173, 201, 121); HEX: #d2b17a, RGB: (210, 177, 122)
HEX: #d8b778, RGB: (216, 183, 120); HEX: #8bc7c8, RGB: (139, 199, 200); HEX: #c5bda0, RGB: (197, 189, 160)
HEX: #c89eb7, RGB: (200, 158, 183); HEX: #e1bc8a, RGB: (225, 188, 138); HEX: #b6c5c1, RGB: (182, 197, 193)
HEX: #cbb5c6, RGB: (203, 181, 198); HEX: #f5c68b, RGB: (245, 198, 139); HEX: #e2d0b9, RGB: (226, 208, 185)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darksalmon, Shade of chocolate, Tint of burlywood, Tint of Khaki, Tint of Grey, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of limegreen, Shade of mediumturquoise, Shade of cyan, Tint of lightslategrey, Shade of cadetblue, Shade of mediumpurple, Tint of palevioletred, Tint of tomato, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of seashell, Shade of Purple, Shade of Grey, Shade of Yellowgreen, Tint of burlywood, Tint of burlywood, Tint of powderblue, Shade of tan, Tint of thistle, Shade of burlywood, Shade of Silver, Tint of thistle, Shade of burlywood, Tint of bisque
Color scheme was created by coolor

Colors codes in palette

Summer Sunset, Fresh Gingerbread, Yellow Varnish, Chinese Green, Expanse, Do Not Disturb, Extra Life, Bayside, Crisp Cyan, Lyric B color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#d88167 RGB(216, 129, 103)Summer Sunset
#d3691f RGB(211, 105, 31)Fresh Gingerbread
#eab565 RGB(234, 181, 101)Yellow Varnish
#d0db61 RGB(208, 219, 97)Chinese Green
#777e65 RGB(119, 126, 101)Expanse
#99a456 RGB(153, 164, 86)Do Not Disturb
#6ab417 RGB(106, 180, 23)Extra Life
#5fc9bf RGB(95, 201, 191)Bayside
#22ffff RGB(34, 255, 255)Crisp Cyan
#728791 RGB(114, 135, 145)Lyric Blue
#65adb2 RGB(101, 173, 178)Fountain Blue
#947cae RGB(148, 124, 174)Captivated
#9e6b89 RGB(158, 107, 137)Pink Jazz
#ff3344 RGB(255, 51, 68)Devil's Advocate
#051009 RGB(5, 16, 9)Alpine Salamander
#006169 RGB(0, 97, 105)Turkish Aqua
#006f49 RGB(0, 111, 73)Aquadazzle
#5e336d RGB(94, 51, 109)Lounge Violet
#8c8798 RGB(140, 135, 152)Purple Ragwort
#adc979 RGB(173, 201, 121)Sour Face
#d2b17a RGB(210, 177, 122)Beachwalk
#d8b778 RGB(216, 183, 120)Sinking Sand
#8bc7c8 RGB(139, 199, 200)Embellished Blue
#c5bda0 RGB(197, 189, 160)Lush
#c89eb7 RGB(200, 158, 183)Idyllic Pink
#e1bc8a RGB(225, 188, 138)Royal Gold
#b6c5c1 RGB(182, 197, 193)Blustery Wind
#cbb5c6 RGB(203, 181, 198)Cool Quiet
#f5c68b RGB(245, 198, 139)Arts & Crafts Gold
#e2d0b9 RGB(226, 208, 185)Smashed Potatoes

Color Palette Contrast

279 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Summer Sunset, Fresh Gingerbread, Yellow Varnish, Chinese Green, Expanse, Do Not Disturb, Extra Life, Bayside, Crisp Cyan, Lyric B png

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