Created at 12/28/2023 09:00

Magnitude, Papaya Yellow Green, Snobby Shore, Gold Crest, Carrot Lava, Sun Salutation, Bering Wave, Out of the Blue, Twilight Lave

Papaya Yellow Green
Snobby Shore
Gold Crest
Carrot Lava
Sun Salutation
Bering Wave
Out of the Blue
Twilight Lavender
Pink Pepper
Ink Blue
Deep Mooring
Deepest Fig
Andes Ash
Canal Blue
Electric Blue
Bright Clove
Mediterranean Charm
Flemish Blue
Summer Storm
Andromeda Blue
Onion White
Matt Lilac
Blue Cypress
Mega Metal Mecha
Phantom Green
Lavender Lace
Arctic Shadow
Himalaya Peaks
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Carrot Lava #fc5a1f and Electric Blue #7df9ff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Magnitude, Papaya Yellow Green, Snobby Shore, Gold Crest, Carrot Lava, Sun Salutation, Bering Wave, Out of the Blue, Twilight Lave has combination of 29 codes colors:
HEX: #ae8d7b, RGB: (174, 141, 123); HEX: #bea932, RGB: (190, 169, 50); HEX: #dd7733, RGB: (221, 119, 51)
HEX: #df9938, RGB: (223, 153, 56); HEX: #fc5a1f, RGB: (252, 90, 31); HEX: #e7c26f, RGB: (231, 194, 111)
HEX: #3d6d84, RGB: (61, 109, 132); HEX: #1199ee, RGB: (17, 153, 238); HEX: #8a496b, RGB: (138, 73, 107)
HEX: #ef586c, RGB: (239, 88, 108); HEX: #0b5369, RGB: (11, 83, 105); HEX: #3d4c46, RGB: (61, 76, 70)
HEX: #454669, RGB: (69, 70, 105); HEX: #c1a097, RGB: (193, 160, 151); HEX: #9cc2c5, RGB: (156, 194, 197)
HEX: #7df9ff, RGB: (125, 249, 255); HEX: #efcf9b, RGB: (239, 207, 155); HEX: #a1cfec, RGB: (161, 207, 236)
HEX: #add0e0, RGB: (173, 208, 224); HEX: #b0c5df, RGB: (176, 197, 223); HEX: #abcdee, RGB: (171, 205, 238)
HEX: #e2d5c2, RGB: (226, 213, 194); HEX: #dec6d3, RGB: (222, 198, 211); HEX: #cbdbd7, RGB: (203, 219, 215)
HEX: #dfcbcf, RGB: (223, 203, 207); HEX: #dce4d7, RGB: (220, 228, 215); HEX: #dfdde0, RGB: (223, 221, 224)
HEX: #d9e5eb, RGB: (217, 229, 235); HEX: #e2eaf0, RGB: (226, 234, 240)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of rosybrown, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of chocolate, Tint of Orange, Shade of orangered, Shade of burlywood, Tint of steelblue, Tint of dodgerblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of indianred, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of lightblue, Shade of cyan, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of lightskyblue, Tint of lightblue, Shade of lightsteelblue, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of thistle, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of honeydew, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of aliceblue, Tint of aliceblue
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Magnitude, Papaya Yellow Green, Snobby Shore, Gold Crest, Carrot Lava, Sun Salutation, Bering Wave, Out of the Blue, Twilight Lave color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ae8d7b RGB(174, 141, 123)Magnitude
#bea932 RGB(190, 169, 50)Papaya Yellow Green
#dd7733 RGB(221, 119, 51)Snobby Shore
#df9938 RGB(223, 153, 56)Gold Crest
#fc5a1f RGB(252, 90, 31)Carrot Lava
#e7c26f RGB(231, 194, 111)Sun Salutation
#3d6d84 RGB(61, 109, 132)Bering Wave
#1199ee RGB(17, 153, 238)Out of the Blue
#8a496b RGB(138, 73, 107)Twilight Lavender
#ef586c RGB(239, 88, 108)Pink Pepper
#0b5369 RGB(11, 83, 105)Ink Blue
#3d4c46 RGB(61, 76, 70)Deep Mooring
#454669 RGB(69, 70, 105)Deepest Fig
#c1a097 RGB(193, 160, 151)Andes Ash
#9cc2c5 RGB(156, 194, 197)Canal Blue
#7df9ff RGB(125, 249, 255)Electric Blue
#efcf9b RGB(239, 207, 155)Bright Clove
#a1cfec RGB(161, 207, 236)Mediterranean Charm
#add0e0 RGB(173, 208, 224)Flemish Blue
#b0c5df RGB(176, 197, 223)Summer Storm
#abcdee RGB(171, 205, 238)Andromeda Blue
#e2d5c2 RGB(226, 213, 194)Onion White
#dec6d3 RGB(222, 198, 211)Matt Lilac
#cbdbd7 RGB(203, 219, 215)Blue Cypress
#dfcbcf RGB(223, 203, 207)Mega Metal Mecha
#dce4d7 RGB(220, 228, 215)Phantom Green
#dfdde0 RGB(223, 221, 224)Lavender Lace
#d9e5eb RGB(217, 229, 235)Arctic Shadow
#e2eaf0 RGB(226, 234, 240)Himalaya Peaks

Color Palette Contrast

245 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Magnitude, Papaya Yellow Green, Snobby Shore, Gold Crest, Carrot Lava, Sun Salutation, Bering Wave, Out of the Blue, Twilight Lave png

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