Created at 12/28/2023 09:02
Shadow, Red Maple Leaf, Mossy, Day At The Zoo, Luminescent Lime, Diroset, Sport Green, Flounce, Pullman Green, Royal Ash, Emerald
Red Maple Leaf
Day At The Zoo
Luminescent Lime
Sport Green
Pullman Green
Royal Ash
Emerald Spring
Rock Garden
Medium Tuscan Red
Gould Blue
By The Sea
Aspiring Blue
Humble Gold
Silver Green
Friendly Yellow
Tender Peach
White Ice
Early Sunset
Diluted Mint
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Luminescent Lime #b9ff66 and Royal Ash #550344. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Shadow, Red Maple Leaf, Mossy, Day At The Zoo, Luminescent Lime, Diroset, Sport Green, Flounce, Pullman Green, Royal Ash, Emerald has combination of 25 codes colors:
HEX: #837050, RGB: (131, 112, 80); HEX: #834c4b, RGB: (131, 76, 75); HEX: #857349, RGB: (133, 115, 73)
HEX: #ffa373, RGB: (255, 163, 115); HEX: #b9ff66, RGB: (185, 255, 102); HEX: #5acaa4, RGB: (90, 202, 164)
HEX: #00a27d, RGB: (0, 162, 125); HEX: #4a8791, RGB: (74, 135, 145); HEX: #3b331c, RGB: (59, 51, 28)
HEX: #550344, RGB: (85, 3, 68); HEX: #095155, RGB: (9, 81, 85); HEX: #465448, RGB: (70, 84, 72)
HEX: #794431, RGB: (121, 68, 49); HEX: #7d9ea2, RGB: (125, 158, 162); HEX: #8d999e, RGB: (141, 153, 158)
HEX: #a2c1c0, RGB: (162, 193, 192); HEX: #edc796, RGB: (237, 199, 150); HEX: #d7d7c7, RGB: (215, 215, 199)
HEX: #f5e0b1, RGB: (245, 224, 177); HEX: #d3dcdc, RGB: (211, 220, 220); HEX: #f8d5b8, RGB: (248, 213, 184)
HEX: #d4e2e6, RGB: (212, 226, 230); HEX: #d7eee4, RGB: (215, 238, 228); HEX: #f3e3d8, RGB: (243, 227, 216)
HEX: #daf4ea, RGB: (218, 244, 234)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of brown, Shade of Olive, Shade of lightsalmon, Shade of greenyellow, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Tint of mediumseagreen, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of Black, Tint of Purple, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of saddlebrown, Shade of cadetblue, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of powderblue, Shade of burlywood, Tint of beige, Tint of moccasin, Tint of gainsboro, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of aliceblue, Tint of honeydew, Tint of linen, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colorscheme
Colors codes in palette
Shadow, Red Maple Leaf, Mossy, Day At The Zoo, Luminescent Lime, Diroset, Sport Green, Flounce, Pullman Green, Royal Ash, Emerald color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#837050 | RGB(131, 112, 80) | Shadow | — | |
#834c4b | RGB(131, 76, 75) | Red Maple Leaf | — | |
#857349 | RGB(133, 115, 73) | Mossy | — | |
#ffa373 | RGB(255, 163, 115) | Day At The Zoo | — | |
#b9ff66 | RGB(185, 255, 102) | Luminescent Lime | Light lime green | |
#5acaa4 | RGB(90, 202, 164) | Diroset | — | |
#00a27d | RGB(0, 162, 125) | Sport Green | — | |
#4a8791 | RGB(74, 135, 145) | Flounce | — | |
#3b331c | RGB(59, 51, 28) | Pullman Green | — | |
#550344 | RGB(85, 3, 68) | Royal Ash | — | |
#095155 | RGB(9, 81, 85) | Emerald Spring | — | |
#465448 | RGB(70, 84, 72) | Rock Garden | — | |
#794431 | RGB(121, 68, 49) | Medium Tuscan Red | — | |
#7d9ea2 | RGB(125, 158, 162) | Gould Blue | — | |
#8d999e | RGB(141, 153, 158) | By The Sea | — | |
#a2c1c0 | RGB(162, 193, 192) | Aspiring Blue | — | |
#edc796 | RGB(237, 199, 150) | Humble Gold | — | |
#d7d7c7 | RGB(215, 215, 199) | Silver Green | — | |
#f5e0b1 | RGB(245, 224, 177) | Friendly Yellow | — | |
#d3dcdc | RGB(211, 220, 220) | Ripple | — | |
#f8d5b8 | RGB(248, 213, 184) | Tender Peach | — | |
#d4e2e6 | RGB(212, 226, 230) | Aloof | — | |
#d7eee4 | RGB(215, 238, 228) | White Ice | — | |
#f3e3d8 | RGB(243, 227, 216) | Early Sunset | — | |
#daf4ea | RGB(218, 244, 234) | Diluted Mint | — |
Color Palette Contrast
130 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#837050 | #834c4b | 1.41 |
#837050 | #857349 | 1.03 |
#837050 | #00a27d | 1.46 |
#837050 | #4a8791 | 1.17 |
#837050 | #095155 | 1.89 |
#837050 | #465448 | 1.67 |