Created at 12/29/2023 18:56
Gaharā Lāl, Chanticleer, Glowing Firelight, Fox Red, Lizard Breath, Dusky Yellow, Ranger Green, The Real Teal, Hēi Sè Black, Pullm
Gaharā Lāl
Glowing Firelight
Fox Red
Lizard Breath
Dusky Yellow
Ranger Green
The Real Teal
Hēi Sè Black
Pullman Green
Bavarian Gentian
Bidwell Brown
Straw Hat
Young Cornflower
Chinese White
Cupcake Pink
Winter Duvet
The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Young Cornflower #bbffff and Winter Duvet #ffffe0. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Gaharā Lāl, Chanticleer, Glowing Firelight, Fox Red, Lizard Breath, Dusky Yellow, Ranger Green, The Real Teal, Hēi Sè Black, Pullm has combination of 19 codes colors:
HEX: #ac0c20, RGB: (172, 12, 32); HEX: #870000, RGB: (135, 0, 0); HEX: #af5941, RGB: (175, 89, 65)
HEX: #ca4e33, RGB: (202, 78, 51); HEX: #edbb32, RGB: (237, 187, 50); HEX: #ffff05, RGB: (255, 255, 5)
HEX: #6a8472, RGB: (106, 132, 114); HEX: #007883, RGB: (0, 120, 131); HEX: #142030, RGB: (20, 32, 48)
HEX: #3b331c, RGB: (59, 51, 28); HEX: #20006d, RGB: (32, 0, 109); HEX: #b19c8f, RGB: (177, 156, 143)
HEX: #dec371, RGB: (222, 195, 113); HEX: #7fd3d3, RGB: (127, 211, 211); HEX: #f0d5a8, RGB: (240, 213, 168)
HEX: #bbffff, RGB: (187, 255, 255); HEX: #e2e5de, RGB: (226, 229, 222); HEX: #f6d8d2, RGB: (246, 216, 210)
HEX: #ffffe0, RGB: (255, 255, 224)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Tint of darkred, Shade of sienna, Shade of Red, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of Yellow, Shade of seashell, Tint of Teal, Shade of Black, Shade of Black, Shade of Navy, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of mediumturquoise, Tint of wheat, Shade of paleturquoise, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of mistyrose, lightyellow
Color scheme was created by coolor
Colors codes in palette
Gaharā Lāl, Chanticleer, Glowing Firelight, Fox Red, Lizard Breath, Dusky Yellow, Ranger Green, The Real Teal, Hēi Sè Black, Pullm color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ac0c20 | RGB(172, 12, 32) | Gaharā Lāl | — | |
#870000 | RGB(135, 0, 0) | Chanticleer | — | |
#af5941 | RGB(175, 89, 65) | Glowing Firelight | — | |
#ca4e33 | RGB(202, 78, 51) | Fox Red | — | |
#edbb32 | RGB(237, 187, 50) | Lizard Breath | — | |
#ffff05 | RGB(255, 255, 5) | Dusky Yellow | — | |
#6a8472 | RGB(106, 132, 114) | Ranger Green | — | |
#007883 | RGB(0, 120, 131) | The Real Teal | — | |
#142030 | RGB(20, 32, 48) | Hēi Sè Black | — | |
#3b331c | RGB(59, 51, 28) | Pullman Green | — | |
#20006d | RGB(32, 0, 109) | Bavarian Gentian | — | |
#b19c8f | RGB(177, 156, 143) | Bidwell Brown | — | |
#dec371 | RGB(222, 195, 113) | Chenin | — | |
#7fd3d3 | RGB(127, 211, 211) | Belize | — | |
#f0d5a8 | RGB(240, 213, 168) | Straw Hat | — | |
#bbffff | RGB(187, 255, 255) | Young Cornflower | Paleturquoise1 | |
#e2e5de | RGB(226, 229, 222) | Chinese White | — | |
#f6d8d2 | RGB(246, 216, 210) | Cupcake Pink | — | |
#ffffe0 | RGB(255, 255, 224) | Winter Duvet | Lightyellow1 |
Color Palette Contrast
64 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ac0c20 | #870000 | 1.39 |
#ac0c20 | #af5941 | 1.53 |
#ac0c20 | #ca4e33 | 1.64 |
#ac0c20 | #6a8472 | 1.82 |
#ac0c20 | #007883 | 1.41 |
#ac0c20 | #3b331c | 1.68 |