Created at 12/29/2023 22:47
Planet of the Apes, Chanterelle Sauce, Airbrushed Copper, Pookie Bear, Garden Sprout, Whole Nine Yards, Hong Kong Skyline, Jean Ja
Planet of the Apes
Chanterelle Sauce
Airbrushed Copper
Pookie Bear
Garden Sprout
Whole Nine Yards
Hong Kong Skyline
Jean Jacket Blue
Layers of Ocean
Chetwode Blue
Astro Nautico
Boysenberry Pink
Rose Red
Laurel Woods
Wine Goblet
Sage Violet
Nurgling Green
Fairy Wand
Bleached Pebble
Glisten Yellow
Flowers of May
Transparent Blue
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Glisten Yellow #f5e6ac and Transparent Blue #ddddff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Planet of the Apes, Chanterelle Sauce, Airbrushed Copper, Pookie Bear, Garden Sprout, Whole Nine Yards, Hong Kong Skyline, Jean Ja has combination of 22 codes colors:
HEX: #883333, RGB: (136, 51, 51); HEX: #a28776, RGB: (162, 135, 118); HEX: #aa6c51, RGB: (170, 108, 81)
HEX: #824b2e, RGB: (130, 75, 46); HEX: #ab863a, RGB: (171, 134, 58); HEX: #03c03c, RGB: (3, 192, 60)
HEX: #676e7a, RGB: (103, 110, 122); HEX: #7b90a2, RGB: (123, 144, 162); HEX: #5c7186, RGB: (92, 113, 134)
HEX: #666fb4, RGB: (102, 111, 180); HEX: #5383c3, RGB: (83, 131, 195); HEX: #a1395d, RGB: (161, 57, 93)
HEX: #c92351, RGB: (201, 35, 81); HEX: #44493d, RGB: (68, 73, 61); HEX: #643b46, RGB: (100, 59, 70)
HEX: #413c7b, RGB: (65, 60, 123); HEX: #b8cc82, RGB: (184, 204, 130); HEX: #aea4c1, RGB: (174, 164, 193)
HEX: #d9d1ba, RGB: (217, 209, 186); HEX: #f5e6ac, RGB: (245, 230, 172); HEX: #e3d7e3, RGB: (227, 215, 227)
HEX: #ddddff, RGB: (221, 221, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Tint of rosybrown, Shade of sienna, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of limegreen, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of slategrey, Shade of royalblue, Shade of steelblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of crimson, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of brown, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of thistle, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of palegoldenrod, Tint of lavenderblush, Tint of lavender
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Planet of the Apes, Chanterelle Sauce, Airbrushed Copper, Pookie Bear, Garden Sprout, Whole Nine Yards, Hong Kong Skyline, Jean Ja color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#883333 | RGB(136, 51, 51) | Planet of the Apes | — | |
#a28776 | RGB(162, 135, 118) | Chanterelle Sauce | — | |
#aa6c51 | RGB(170, 108, 81) | Airbrushed Copper | — | |
#824b2e | RGB(130, 75, 46) | Pookie Bear | — | |
#ab863a | RGB(171, 134, 58) | Garden Sprout | — | |
#03c03c | RGB(3, 192, 60) | Whole Nine Yards | — | |
#676e7a | RGB(103, 110, 122) | Hong Kong Skyline | — | |
#7b90a2 | RGB(123, 144, 162) | Jean Jacket Blue | — | |
#5c7186 | RGB(92, 113, 134) | Layers of Ocean | — | |
#666fb4 | RGB(102, 111, 180) | Chetwode Blue | — | |
#5383c3 | RGB(83, 131, 195) | Astro Nautico | — | |
#a1395d | RGB(161, 57, 93) | Boysenberry Pink | — | |
#c92351 | RGB(201, 35, 81) | Rose Red | — | |
#44493d | RGB(68, 73, 61) | Laurel Woods | — | |
#643b46 | RGB(100, 59, 70) | Wine Goblet | — | |
#413c7b | RGB(65, 60, 123) | Sage Violet | — | |
#b8cc82 | RGB(184, 204, 130) | Nurgling Green | — | |
#aea4c1 | RGB(174, 164, 193) | Fairy Wand | — | |
#d9d1ba | RGB(217, 209, 186) | Bleached Pebble | — | |
#f5e6ac | RGB(245, 230, 172) | Glisten Yellow | — | |
#e3d7e3 | RGB(227, 215, 227) | Flowers of May | — | |
#ddddff | RGB(221, 221, 255) | Transparent Blue | — |
Color Palette Contrast
118 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#883333 | #aa6c51 | 1.93 |
#883333 | #824b2e | 1.16 |
#883333 | #676e7a | 1.59 |
#883333 | #5c7186 | 1.62 |
#883333 | #666fb4 | 1.75 |
#883333 | #a1395d | 1.26 |