Created at 12/30/2023 10:01
Active Volcano, Cliff Rock, Shade of Marigold, Tulip Tree, Vivid Orange, Xanthe Yellow, Malachite, Volcanic Ash, Sea Caller, Twink
Active Volcano
Cliff Rock
Shade of Marigold
Tulip Tree
Vivid Orange
Xanthe Yellow
Volcanic Ash
Sea Caller
Twinkly Pinkily
Hunt Club
Saxophone Gold
Milky Green
Light Hint Of Lavender
Rhine Falls
Weak Mauve
Cottage White
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Xanthe Yellow #ffee55 and Sea Caller #45868b. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Active Volcano, Cliff Rock, Shade of Marigold, Tulip Tree, Vivid Orange, Xanthe Yellow, Malachite, Volcanic Ash, Sea Caller, Twink has combination of 20 codes colors:
HEX: #bb1133, RGB: (187, 17, 51); HEX: #b19475, RGB: (177, 148, 117); HEX: #b88a3d, RGB: (184, 138, 61)
HEX: #e3ac3d, RGB: (227, 172, 61); HEX: #ff5f00, RGB: (255, 95, 0); HEX: #ffee55, RGB: (255, 238, 85)
HEX: #0bda51, RGB: (11, 218, 81); HEX: #6f7678, RGB: (111, 118, 120); HEX: #45868b, RGB: (69, 134, 139)
HEX: #cf4796, RGB: (207, 71, 150); HEX: #ff007f, RGB: (255, 0, 127); HEX: #2d2541, RGB: (45, 37, 65)
HEX: #2a4f43, RGB: (42, 79, 67); HEX: #ceaf81, RGB: (206, 175, 129); HEX: #cfdbd1, RGB: (207, 219, 209)
HEX: #dccfce, RGB: (220, 207, 206); HEX: #fedcc1, RGB: (254, 220, 193); HEX: #e3eadb, RGB: (227, 234, 219)
HEX: #eadee4, RGB: (234, 222, 228); HEX: #f7efdd, RGB: (247, 239, 221)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Tint of tan, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of orangered, Tint of Yellow, Tint of limegreen, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of deeppink, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of tan, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of lightgrey, Shade of peachpuff, Tint of beige, Tint of lavenderblush, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colorscheme
Colors codes in palette
Active Volcano, Cliff Rock, Shade of Marigold, Tulip Tree, Vivid Orange, Xanthe Yellow, Malachite, Volcanic Ash, Sea Caller, Twink color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#bb1133 | RGB(187, 17, 51) | Active Volcano | — | |
#b19475 | RGB(177, 148, 117) | Cliff Rock | — | |
#b88a3d | RGB(184, 138, 61) | Shade of Marigold | — | |
#e3ac3d | RGB(227, 172, 61) | Tulip Tree | — | |
#ff5f00 | RGB(255, 95, 0) | Vivid Orange | — | |
#ffee55 | RGB(255, 238, 85) | Xanthe Yellow | — | |
#0bda51 | RGB(11, 218, 81) | Malachite | — | |
#6f7678 | RGB(111, 118, 120) | Volcanic Ash | — | |
#45868b | RGB(69, 134, 139) | Sea Caller | — | |
#cf4796 | RGB(207, 71, 150) | Twinkly Pinkily | — | |
#ff007f | RGB(255, 0, 127) | Rose | — | |
#2d2541 | RGB(45, 37, 65) | Telopea | — | |
#2a4f43 | RGB(42, 79, 67) | Hunt Club | — | |
#ceaf81 | RGB(206, 175, 129) | Saxophone Gold | — | |
#cfdbd1 | RGB(207, 219, 209) | Milky Green | — | |
#dccfce | RGB(220, 207, 206) | Light Hint Of Lavender | — | |
#fedcc1 | RGB(254, 220, 193) | Karry | — | |
#e3eadb | RGB(227, 234, 219) | Rhine Falls | — | |
#eadee4 | RGB(234, 222, 228) | Weak Mauve | — | |
#f7efdd | RGB(247, 239, 221) | Cottage White | — |
Color Palette Contrast
86 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#bb1133 | #6f7678 | 1.4 |
#bb1133 | #45868b | 1.55 |
#bb1133 | #cf4796 | 1.54 |
#bb1133 | #ff007f | 1.71 |
#bb1133 | #2a4f43 | 1.41 |
#b19475 | #b88a3d | 1.09 |