Created at 12/30/2023 14:06

Garden Lettuce Green, Barely Brown, Patrinia Flowers, Orange Yellow, Desert Dessert, Fabulous Frog, Blue Android Base, Baltic, Blu

Garden Lettuce Green
Barely Brown
Patrinia Flowers
Orange Yellow
Desert Dessert
Fabulous Frog
Blue Android Base
Blue Enchantment
Star of David
Ancient Fuchsia
Chilli Black Red
Army Green
Dark Night
Algae Green
Marzena Dream
Certain Peach
Sign of the Crown
Burnished Clay
Turtle Chalk
Humble Blush
Peach Yellow
Pink Lady
Fake Blonde
Antique Petal
Fancy Pants
Cream Cheese Frosting
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Desert Dessert #ffba6b and Star of David #0000f7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Garden Lettuce Green, Barely Brown, Patrinia Flowers, Orange Yellow, Desert Dessert, Fabulous Frog, Blue Android Base, Baltic, Blu has combination of 30 codes colors:
HEX: #87762b, RGB: (135, 118, 43); HEX: #dd6655, RGB: (221, 102, 85); HEX: #d9b611, RGB: (217, 182, 17)
HEX: #fdb915, RGB: (253, 185, 21); HEX: #ffba6b, RGB: (255, 186, 107); HEX: #88cc00, RGB: (136, 204, 0)
HEX: #5a79ba, RGB: (90, 121, 186); HEX: #279d9f, RGB: (39, 157, 159); HEX: #0d6376, RGB: (13, 99, 118)
HEX: #0000f7, RGB: (0, 0, 247); HEX: #a44769, RGB: (164, 71, 105); HEX: #4b1c35, RGB: (75, 28, 53)
HEX: #123d55, RGB: (18, 61, 85); HEX: #4b5320, RGB: (75, 83, 32); HEX: #404b57, RGB: (64, 75, 87)
HEX: #93dfb8, RGB: (147, 223, 184); HEX: #a6d0ec, RGB: (166, 208, 236); HEX: #f2bda2, RGB: (242, 189, 162)
HEX: #fce299, RGB: (252, 226, 153); HEX: #d2ccc4, RGB: (210, 204, 196); HEX: #ced8c1, RGB: (206, 216, 193)
HEX: #e3d3bf, RGB: (227, 211, 191); HEX: #e3cdc2, RGB: (227, 205, 194); HEX: #fadfad, RGB: (250, 223, 173)
HEX: #f3d7b6, RGB: (243, 215, 182); HEX: #efe6c1, RGB: (239, 230, 193); HEX: #f0ead6, RGB: (240, 234, 214)
HEX: #e8e3e3, RGB: (232, 227, 227); HEX: #f3dae1, RGB: (243, 218, 225); HEX: #f4efe2, RGB: (244, 239, 226)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Olive, Tint of tomato, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of sandybrown, Tint of Yellowgreen, Shade of royalblue, Tint of cadetblue, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of Blue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of Purple, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of darkolivegreen, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of mediumaquamarine, Shade of lightskyblue, Tint of peachpuff, Shade of Khaki, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of beige, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of moccasin, Tint of bisque, Tint of cornsilk, Tint of oldlace, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Garden Lettuce Green, Barely Brown, Patrinia Flowers, Orange Yellow, Desert Dessert, Fabulous Frog, Blue Android Base, Baltic, Blu color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#87762b RGB(135, 118, 43)Garden Lettuce Green
#dd6655 RGB(221, 102, 85)Barely Brown
#d9b611 RGB(217, 182, 17)Patrinia Flowers
#fdb915 RGB(253, 185, 21)Orange YellowOrangey yellow
#ffba6b RGB(255, 186, 107)Desert Dessert
#88cc00 RGB(136, 204, 0)Fabulous Frog
#5a79ba RGB(90, 121, 186)Blue Android Base
#279d9f RGB(39, 157, 159)Baltic
#0d6376 RGB(13, 99, 118)Blue Enchantment
#0000f7 RGB(0, 0, 247)Star of David
#a44769 RGB(164, 71, 105)Ancient Fuchsia
#4b1c35 RGB(75, 28, 53)Chilli Black Red
#123d55 RGB(18, 61, 85)Duskwood
#4b5320 RGB(75, 83, 32)Army Green
#404b57 RGB(64, 75, 87)Dark Night
#93dfb8 RGB(147, 223, 184)Algae Green
#a6d0ec RGB(166, 208, 236)Marzena Dream
#f2bda2 RGB(242, 189, 162)Certain Peach
#fce299 RGB(252, 226, 153)Sign of the Crown
#d2ccc4 RGB(210, 204, 196)Burnished Clay
#ced8c1 RGB(206, 216, 193)Turtle Chalk
#e3d3bf RGB(227, 211, 191)Oyster
#e3cdc2 RGB(227, 205, 194)Humble Blush
#fadfad RGB(250, 223, 173)Peach Yellow
#f3d7b6 RGB(243, 215, 182)Pink Lady
#efe6c1 RGB(239, 230, 193)Fake Blonde
#f0ead6 RGB(240, 234, 214)Eggshell
#e8e3e3 RGB(232, 227, 227)Antique Petal
#f3dae1 RGB(243, 218, 225)Fancy Pants
#f4efe2 RGB(244, 239, 226)Cream Cheese Frosting

Color Palette Contrast

214 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Garden Lettuce Green, Barely Brown, Patrinia Flowers, Orange Yellow, Desert Dessert, Fabulous Frog, Blue Android Base, Baltic, Blu png

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