Created at 12/30/2023 15:03

Cozy Cocoa, Cognac Tint, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Selective Yellow, Sago Garden, Hopscotch, Agate Green, Jamaican Jade, Toasted

Cozy Cocoa
Cognac Tint
Reikland Fleshshade Gloss
Selective Yellow
Sago Garden
Agate Green
Jamaican Jade
Toasted Truffle
Dark Catacombs
Rain Boots
Hush Puppy
Waddles Pink
Purple Purity
Waves Queen
Battered Sausage
Fuji Peak
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Selective Yellow #ffba00 and Skylark #c1e4f0. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Cozy Cocoa, Cognac Tint, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Selective Yellow, Sago Garden, Hopscotch, Agate Green, Jamaican Jade, Toasted has combination of 19 codes colors:
HEX: #aa8f7d, RGB: (170, 143, 125); HEX: #a17b49, RGB: (161, 123, 73); HEX: #cb7351, RGB: (203, 115, 81)
HEX: #ffba00, RGB: (255, 186, 0); HEX: #94be7f, RGB: (148, 190, 127); HEX: #afbb42, RGB: (175, 187, 66)
HEX: #599f99, RGB: (89, 159, 153); HEX: #64d1be, RGB: (100, 209, 190); HEX: #aa3344, RGB: (170, 51, 68)
HEX: #513116, RGB: (81, 49, 22); HEX: #3f354f, RGB: (63, 53, 79); HEX: #354d65, RGB: (53, 77, 101)
HEX: #e4b095, RGB: (228, 176, 149); HEX: #eeaacc, RGB: (238, 170, 204); HEX: #c9c6df, RGB: (201, 198, 223)
HEX: #c1e4f0, RGB: (193, 228, 240); HEX: #d2eaea, RGB: (210, 234, 234); HEX: #ede2d4, RGB: (237, 226, 212)
HEX: #f6eee2, RGB: (246, 238, 226)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of rosybrown, Tint of peru, Shade of chocolate, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of turquoise, Shade of brown, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darksalmon, Tint of lightpink, Tint of lavender, Shade of lightblue, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of linen, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Cozy Cocoa, Cognac Tint, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Selective Yellow, Sago Garden, Hopscotch, Agate Green, Jamaican Jade, Toasted color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#aa8f7d RGB(170, 143, 125)Cozy Cocoa
#a17b49 RGB(161, 123, 73)Cognac Tint
#cb7351 RGB(203, 115, 81)Reikland Fleshshade Gloss
#ffba00 RGB(255, 186, 0)Selective Yellow
#94be7f RGB(148, 190, 127)Sago Garden
#afbb42 RGB(175, 187, 66)Hopscotch
#599f99 RGB(89, 159, 153)Agate Green
#64d1be RGB(100, 209, 190)Jamaican Jade
#aa3344 RGB(170, 51, 68)Toasted Truffle
#513116 RGB(81, 49, 22)Dark Catacombs
#3f354f RGB(63, 53, 79)Maharaja
#354d65 RGB(53, 77, 101)Rain Boots
#e4b095 RGB(228, 176, 149)Hush Puppy
#eeaacc RGB(238, 170, 204)Waddles Pink
#c9c6df RGB(201, 198, 223)Purple Purity
#c1e4f0 RGB(193, 228, 240)Skylark
#d2eaea RGB(210, 234, 234)Waves Queen
#ede2d4 RGB(237, 226, 212)Battered Sausage
#f6eee2 RGB(246, 238, 226)Fuji Peak

Color Palette Contrast

90 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Cozy Cocoa, Cognac Tint, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Selective Yellow, Sago Garden, Hopscotch, Agate Green, Jamaican Jade, Toasted png

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