Created at 12/30/2023 15:04
Monterey Brown, Gingersnap, Shining Gold, Nominee, Ocean in a Bowl, Blue Darknut, Tile Blue, Corundum Red, Dark Earth, Elm Green,
Monterey Brown
Shining Gold
Ocean in a Bowl
Blue Darknut
Tile Blue
Corundum Red
Dark Earth
Elm Green
Acacia Haze
Regal Orchid
Blue Satin
Lime Daiquiri
Coral Candy
Dunnock Egg
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Shining Gold #ffd200 and Blue Darknut #0078f8. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Monterey Brown, Gingersnap, Shining Gold, Nominee, Ocean in a Bowl, Blue Darknut, Tile Blue, Corundum Red, Dark Earth, Elm Green, has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #946e5c, RGB: (148, 110, 92); HEX: #c79e73, RGB: (199, 158, 115); HEX: #ffd200, RGB: (255, 210, 0)
HEX: #357567, RGB: (53, 117, 103); HEX: #68dfbb, RGB: (104, 223, 187); HEX: #0078f8, RGB: (0, 120, 248)
HEX: #008491, RGB: (0, 132, 145); HEX: #95687d, RGB: (149, 104, 125); HEX: #884455, RGB: (136, 68, 85)
HEX: #547053, RGB: (84, 112, 83); HEX: #969c92, RGB: (150, 156, 146); HEX: #a98baf, RGB: (169, 139, 175)
HEX: #9eb6d0, RGB: (158, 182, 208); HEX: #dde6d7, RGB: (221, 230, 215); HEX: #f5d0c9, RGB: (245, 208, 201)
HEX: #d9ece6, RGB: (217, 236, 230)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Tint of tan, Tint of gold, Shade of Teal, Shade of mediumaquamarine, Tint of royalblue, Tint of darkcyan, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of brown, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of plum, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of honeydew, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of mintcream
Color scheme was created by colorstudio
Colors codes in palette
Monterey Brown, Gingersnap, Shining Gold, Nominee, Ocean in a Bowl, Blue Darknut, Tile Blue, Corundum Red, Dark Earth, Elm Green, color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#946e5c | RGB(148, 110, 92) | Monterey Brown | — | |
#c79e73 | RGB(199, 158, 115) | Gingersnap | — | |
#ffd200 | RGB(255, 210, 0) | Shining Gold | — | |
#357567 | RGB(53, 117, 103) | Nominee | — | |
#68dfbb | RGB(104, 223, 187) | Ocean in a Bowl | — | |
#0078f8 | RGB(0, 120, 248) | Blue Darknut | — | |
#008491 | RGB(0, 132, 145) | Tile Blue | — | |
#95687d | RGB(149, 104, 125) | Corundum Red | — | |
#884455 | RGB(136, 68, 85) | Dark Earth | — | |
#547053 | RGB(84, 112, 83) | Elm Green | — | |
#969c92 | RGB(150, 156, 146) | Acacia Haze | — | |
#a98baf | RGB(169, 139, 175) | Regal Orchid | — | |
#9eb6d0 | RGB(158, 182, 208) | Blue Satin | — | |
#dde6d7 | RGB(221, 230, 215) | Lime Daiquiri | — | |
#f5d0c9 | RGB(245, 208, 201) | Coral Candy | — | |
#d9ece6 | RGB(217, 236, 230) | Dunnock Egg | — |
Color Palette Contrast
68 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#946e5c | #c79e73 | 1.84 |
#946e5c | #357567 | 1.19 |
#946e5c | #0078f8 | 1.08 |
#946e5c | #008491 | 1.01 |
#946e5c | #95687d | 1.01 |
#946e5c | #884455 | 1.54 |