Created at 12/30/2023 22:21
Night Tan, Obsession, Selenium, Light Green, Port Hope, Marlin Green, Blue Oyster Cult, Blue Ruin, Hyssop, Plum Kingdom, Ancient L
Night Tan
Light Green
Port Hope
Marlin Green
Blue Oyster Cult
Blue Ruin
Plum Kingdom
Ancient Lavastone
Leprechaun Green
Sycamore Tree
Walnut Grove
Proper Purple
Underground Gardens
Peach Buff
Bud's Sails
Distressed White
Willow Springs
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Light Green #76ff7b and Plum Kingdom #aa3377. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Night Tan, Obsession, Selenium, Light Green, Port Hope, Marlin Green, Blue Oyster Cult, Blue Ruin, Hyssop, Plum Kingdom, Ancient L has combination of 23 codes colors:
HEX: #ab967b, RGB: (171, 150, 123); HEX: #ae9550, RGB: (174, 149, 80); HEX: #777e7a, RGB: (119, 126, 122)
HEX: #76ff7b, RGB: (118, 255, 123); HEX: #54c3c1, RGB: (84, 195, 193); HEX: #41a1aa, RGB: (65, 161, 170)
HEX: #5577ee, RGB: (85, 119, 238); HEX: #0066dd, RGB: (0, 102, 221); HEX: #6d4976, RGB: (109, 73, 118)
HEX: #aa3377, RGB: (170, 51, 119); HEX: #483c32, RGB: (72, 60, 50); HEX: #395549, RGB: (57, 85, 73)
HEX: #3f544f, RGB: (63, 84, 79); HEX: #5c5644, RGB: (92, 86, 68); HEX: #59476b, RGB: (89, 71, 107)
HEX: #87968b, RGB: (135, 150, 139); HEX: #bbbba4, RGB: (187, 187, 164); HEX: #cc99bb, RGB: (204, 153, 187)
HEX: #abb9d7, RGB: (171, 185, 215); HEX: #c0bfc7, RGB: (192, 191, 199); HEX: #e9e3d3, RGB: (233, 227, 211)
HEX: #f1e6cb, RGB: (241, 230, 203); HEX: #e7e6e0, RGB: (231, 230, 224)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of tan, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of Grey, Tint of palegreen, Tint of mediumturquoise, Tint of cadetblue, Shade of royalblue, Tint of royalblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of Grey, Tint of Silver, Tint of plum, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of Silver, Tint of oldlace, Tint of papayawhip, Shade of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by colorscheme
Colors codes in palette
Night Tan, Obsession, Selenium, Light Green, Port Hope, Marlin Green, Blue Oyster Cult, Blue Ruin, Hyssop, Plum Kingdom, Ancient L color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ab967b | RGB(171, 150, 123) | Night Tan | — | |
#ae9550 | RGB(174, 149, 80) | Obsession | — | |
#777e7a | RGB(119, 126, 122) | Selenium | — | |
#76ff7b | RGB(118, 255, 123) | Light Green | Lightgreen | |
#54c3c1 | RGB(84, 195, 193) | Port Hope | — | |
#41a1aa | RGB(65, 161, 170) | Marlin Green | — | |
#5577ee | RGB(85, 119, 238) | Blue Oyster Cult | — | |
#0066dd | RGB(0, 102, 221) | Blue Ruin | — | |
#6d4976 | RGB(109, 73, 118) | Hyssop | — | |
#aa3377 | RGB(170, 51, 119) | Plum Kingdom | — | |
#483c32 | RGB(72, 60, 50) | Ancient Lavastone | — | |
#395549 | RGB(57, 85, 73) | Leprechaun Green | — | |
#3f544f | RGB(63, 84, 79) | Sycamore Tree | — | |
#5c5644 | RGB(92, 86, 68) | Walnut Grove | — | |
#59476b | RGB(89, 71, 107) | Proper Purple | — | |
#87968b | RGB(135, 150, 139) | Underground Gardens | — | |
#bbbba4 | RGB(187, 187, 164) | Restful | — | |
#cc99bb | RGB(204, 153, 187) | Peach Buff | — | |
#abb9d7 | RGB(171, 185, 215) | Conclave | — | |
#c0bfc7 | RGB(192, 191, 199) | Ghost | — | |
#e9e3d3 | RGB(233, 227, 211) | Bud's Sails | — | |
#f1e6cb | RGB(241, 230, 203) | Distressed White | — | |
#e7e6e0 | RGB(231, 230, 224) | Willow Springs | — |
Color Palette Contrast
118 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ab967b | #ae9550 | 1.02 |
#ab967b | #777e7a | 1.46 |
#ab967b | #54c3c1 | 1.34 |
#ab967b | #41a1aa | 1.06 |
#ab967b | #5577ee | 1.4 |
#ab967b | #0066dd | 1.87 |