Created at 01/02/2024 17:44

Sassy Green, Brickhouse, Copper Creek, Metallic Gold, Ratskin Flesh, Saffron Mango, Powdered Green Tea, Green Weed, Wharf View, Bl

Sassy Green
Copper Creek
Metallic Gold
Ratskin Flesh
Saffron Mango
Powdered Green Tea
Green Weed
Wharf View
Clear Weather
Delicate Prunus
Tender Taupe
Blind Date
Deserted Path
Aloof Lama
Classic Taupe
Pine Whisper
Spinach Dip
Amethyst Ice
Orange Canyon
Speak To Me
Intricate Ivory
Whisper Green
Salmon Mousse
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Clear Weather #66bbdd and Speak To Me #ffd9a6. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Sassy Green, Brickhouse, Copper Creek, Metallic Gold, Ratskin Flesh, Saffron Mango, Powdered Green Tea, Green Weed, Wharf View, Bl has combination of 27 codes colors:
HEX: #bba86a, RGB: (187, 168, 106); HEX: #864a36, RGB: (134, 74, 54); HEX: #a35d31, RGB: (163, 93, 49)
HEX: #d4af37, RGB: (212, 175, 55); HEX: #f7b273, RGB: (247, 178, 115); HEX: #f9bf58, RGB: (249, 191, 88)
HEX: #c5c56a, RGB: (197, 197, 106); HEX: #548f6f, RGB: (84, 143, 111); HEX: #65737e, RGB: (101, 115, 126)
HEX: #4f9297, RGB: (79, 146, 151); HEX: #66bbdd, RGB: (102, 187, 221); HEX: #a95c68, RGB: (169, 92, 104)
HEX: #c4b198, RGB: (196, 177, 152); HEX: #bcaea1, RGB: (188, 174, 161); HEX: #e7bf7b, RGB: (231, 191, 123)
HEX: #d6c5a0, RGB: (214, 197, 160); HEX: #d3bca4, RGB: (211, 188, 164); HEX: #b3c6b9, RGB: (179, 198, 185)
HEX: #b1cdac, RGB: (177, 205, 172); HEX: #e9d9a9, RGB: (233, 217, 169); HEX: #d0c9c6, RGB: (208, 201, 198)
HEX: #fdd1a4, RGB: (253, 209, 164); HEX: #ffd9a6, RGB: (255, 217, 166); HEX: #edddca, RGB: (237, 221, 202)
HEX: #e0e6d7, RGB: (224, 230, 215); HEX: #fcd1c3, RGB: (252, 209, 195); HEX: #f5ece7, RGB: (245, 236, 231)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of sienna, Shade of sienna, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of sandybrown, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of seashell, Tint of slategrey, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of skyblue, Tint of indianred, Tint of tan, Shade of darkgrey, Shade of burlywood, Shade of tan, Shade of tan, Tint of Silver, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of wheat, Shade of Silver, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of navajowhite, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of beige, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Sassy Green, Brickhouse, Copper Creek, Metallic Gold, Ratskin Flesh, Saffron Mango, Powdered Green Tea, Green Weed, Wharf View, Bl color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#bba86a RGB(187, 168, 106)Sassy Green
#864a36 RGB(134, 74, 54)Brickhouse
#a35d31 RGB(163, 93, 49)Copper Creek
#d4af37 RGB(212, 175, 55)Metallic Gold
#f7b273 RGB(247, 178, 115)Ratskin Flesh
#f9bf58 RGB(249, 191, 88)Saffron Mango
#c5c56a RGB(197, 197, 106)Powdered Green Tea
#548f6f RGB(84, 143, 111)Green Weed
#65737e RGB(101, 115, 126)Wharf View
#4f9297 RGB(79, 146, 151)Bluebound
#66bbdd RGB(102, 187, 221)Clear Weather
#a95c68 RGB(169, 92, 104)Delicate Prunus
#c4b198 RGB(196, 177, 152)Tender Taupe
#bcaea1 RGB(188, 174, 161)Blind Date
#e7bf7b RGB(231, 191, 123)Deserted Path
#d6c5a0 RGB(214, 197, 160)Aloof Lama
#d3bca4 RGB(211, 188, 164)Classic Taupe
#b3c6b9 RGB(179, 198, 185)Pine Whisper
#b1cdac RGB(177, 205, 172)Spinach Dip
#e9d9a9 RGB(233, 217, 169)Sidecar
#d0c9c6 RGB(208, 201, 198)Amethyst Ice
#fdd1a4 RGB(253, 209, 164)Orange Canyon
#ffd9a6 RGB(255, 217, 166)Speak To Me
#edddca RGB(237, 221, 202)Intricate Ivory
#e0e6d7 RGB(224, 230, 215)Whisper Green
#fcd1c3 RGB(252, 209, 195)Salmon Mousse
#f5ece7 RGB(245, 236, 231)Windmill

Color Palette Contrast

238 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Sassy Green, Brickhouse, Copper Creek, Metallic Gold, Ratskin Flesh, Saffron Mango, Powdered Green Tea, Green Weed, Wharf View, Bl png

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