Created at 01/03/2024 09:18
Outback Brown, Golden Glam, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Wink, Just a Fairytale, Plum Highness, Swiss Chard, Reddish Black, American Ma
Outback Brown
Golden Glam
Tandayapa Cloud Forest
Just a Fairytale
Plum Highness
Swiss Chard
Reddish Black
American Mahogany
Stony Creek
Fantasy Grey
Tarnished Treasure
Mocha Cake
Honey Tea
Careys Pink
Dry Creek
Light Puffball
Rare White Jade
Ocean Dream
Diamond Stud
Rosa Bonito
Faded Grey
Reduced Pink
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Wink #7792af and Camisole #fcd9c7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Outback Brown, Golden Glam, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Wink, Just a Fairytale, Plum Highness, Swiss Chard, Reddish Black, American Ma has combination of 27 codes colors:
HEX: #7e5d47, RGB: (126, 93, 71); HEX: #eebb44, RGB: (238, 187, 68); HEX: #4a766e, RGB: (74, 118, 110)
HEX: #7792af, RGB: (119, 146, 175); HEX: #6c5d97, RGB: (108, 93, 151); HEX: #885577, RGB: (136, 85, 119)
HEX: #dd5e6d, RGB: (221, 94, 109); HEX: #433635, RGB: (67, 54, 53); HEX: #52352f, RGB: (82, 53, 47)
HEX: #948f82, RGB: (148, 143, 130); HEX: #8591a2, RGB: (133, 145, 162); HEX: #b9a47e, RGB: (185, 164, 126)
HEX: #beaf93, RGB: (190, 175, 147); HEX: #d1908e, RGB: (209, 144, 142); HEX: #d8be89, RGB: (216, 190, 137)
HEX: #c99aa0, RGB: (201, 154, 160); HEX: #f5d297, RGB: (245, 210, 151); HEX: #d8c7b6, RGB: (216, 199, 182)
HEX: #ebcfae, RGB: (235, 207, 174); HEX: #d9ced5, RGB: (217, 206, 213); HEX: #e8e9cc, RGB: (232, 233, 204)
HEX: #d4dde2, RGB: (212, 221, 226); HEX: #dcdbdc, RGB: (220, 219, 220); HEX: #fcd9c7, RGB: (252, 217, 199)
HEX: #efd9e1, RGB: (239, 217, 225); HEX: #eae8e4, RGB: (234, 232, 228); HEX: #f6e4e4, RGB: (246, 228, 228)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of sienna, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of Teal, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of slateblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of indianred, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Grey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of tan, Tint of tan, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of burlywood, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of tan, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of beige, Tint of gainsboro, Tint of gainsboro, Shade of peachpuff, Tint of lavenderblush, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Outback Brown, Golden Glam, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Wink, Just a Fairytale, Plum Highness, Swiss Chard, Reddish Black, American Ma color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#7e5d47 | RGB(126, 93, 71) | Outback Brown | — | |
#eebb44 | RGB(238, 187, 68) | Golden Glam | — | |
#4a766e | RGB(74, 118, 110) | Tandayapa Cloud Forest | — | |
#7792af | RGB(119, 146, 175) | Wink | — | |
#6c5d97 | RGB(108, 93, 151) | Just a Fairytale | — | |
#885577 | RGB(136, 85, 119) | Plum Highness | — | |
#dd5e6d | RGB(221, 94, 109) | Swiss Chard | — | |
#433635 | RGB(67, 54, 53) | Reddish Black | — | |
#52352f | RGB(82, 53, 47) | American Mahogany | — | |
#948f82 | RGB(148, 143, 130) | Stony Creek | — | |
#8591a2 | RGB(133, 145, 162) | Fantasy Grey | — | |
#b9a47e | RGB(185, 164, 126) | Tarnished Treasure | — | |
#beaf93 | RGB(190, 175, 147) | Mocha Cake | — | |
#d1908e | RGB(209, 144, 142) | Tongue | — | |
#d8be89 | RGB(216, 190, 137) | Honey Tea | — | |
#c99aa0 | RGB(201, 154, 160) | Careys Pink | — | |
#f5d297 | RGB(245, 210, 151) | Beeswing | — | |
#d8c7b6 | RGB(216, 199, 182) | Dry Creek | — | |
#ebcfae | RGB(235, 207, 174) | Chai | — | |
#d9ced5 | RGB(217, 206, 213) | Light Puffball | — | |
#e8e9cc | RGB(232, 233, 204) | Rare White Jade | — | |
#d4dde2 | RGB(212, 221, 226) | Ocean Dream | — | |
#dcdbdc | RGB(220, 219, 220) | Diamond Stud | — | |
#fcd9c7 | RGB(252, 217, 199) | Camisole | — | |
#efd9e1 | RGB(239, 217, 225) | Rosa Bonito | — | |
#eae8e4 | RGB(234, 232, 228) | Faded Grey | — | |
#f6e4e4 | RGB(246, 228, 228) | Reduced Pink | — |
Color Palette Contrast
194 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#7e5d47 | #4a766e | 1.15 |
#7e5d47 | #7792af | 1.83 |
#7e5d47 | #6c5d97 | 1.03 |
#7e5d47 | #885577 | 1.01 |
#7e5d47 | #dd5e6d | 1.66 |
#7e5d47 | #433635 | 1.94 |