Created at 01/03/2024 10:02
Fossil Butte, Hamster Fur, Exotic Blossom, Prime Pink, Organic Green, Kobra Khan, Biscay Bay, Dark Lavender, Cast Iron, Natural St
Fossil Butte
Hamster Fur
Exotic Blossom
Prime Pink
Organic Green
Kobra Khan
Biscay Bay
Dark Lavender
Cast Iron
Natural Stone
Periglacial Blue
Velvet Dawn
Harmonious Gold
Polished Limestone
Light Chintz
Spring Blossom
Cactus Blossom
Faded Firebrick
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Prime Pink #ff8d86 and Kobra Khan #00aa22. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Fossil Butte, Hamster Fur, Exotic Blossom, Prime Pink, Organic Green, Kobra Khan, Biscay Bay, Dark Lavender, Cast Iron, Natural St has combination of 22 codes colors:
HEX: #a78f65, RGB: (167, 143, 101); HEX: #a6814c, RGB: (166, 129, 76); HEX: #fd9d43, RGB: (253, 157, 67)
HEX: #ff8d86, RGB: (255, 141, 134); HEX: #7fac6e, RGB: (127, 172, 110); HEX: #00aa22, RGB: (0, 170, 34)
HEX: #097988, RGB: (9, 121, 136); HEX: #856798, RGB: (133, 103, 152); HEX: #64645a, RGB: (100, 100, 90)
HEX: #aea295, RGB: (174, 162, 149); HEX: #a6b5a9, RGB: (166, 181, 169); HEX: #acb6b2, RGB: (172, 182, 178)
HEX: #bdb0bc, RGB: (189, 176, 188); HEX: #eacfa3, RGB: (234, 207, 163); HEX: #afebde, RGB: (175, 235, 222)
HEX: #dcd5c8, RGB: (220, 213, 200); HEX: #e0d5c9, RGB: (224, 213, 201); HEX: #e9edbd, RGB: (233, 237, 189)
HEX: #e6cfcc, RGB: (230, 207, 204); HEX: #d8e5dd, RGB: (216, 229, 221); HEX: #e5d9dc, RGB: (229, 217, 220)
HEX: #f4ebd3, RGB: (244, 235, 211)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of tan, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Tint of sandybrown, Shade of salmon, Tint of darkseagreen, Tint of limegreen, Tint of Teal, Tint of mediumpurple, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkgrey, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of thistle, Tint of wheat, Tint of paleturquoise, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of linen, Tint of lightgoldenrodyellow, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of mintcream, Tint of lavenderblush, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Fossil Butte, Hamster Fur, Exotic Blossom, Prime Pink, Organic Green, Kobra Khan, Biscay Bay, Dark Lavender, Cast Iron, Natural St color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#a78f65 | RGB(167, 143, 101) | Fossil Butte | — | |
#a6814c | RGB(166, 129, 76) | Hamster Fur | Coffee | |
#fd9d43 | RGB(253, 157, 67) | Exotic Blossom | — | |
#ff8d86 | RGB(255, 141, 134) | Prime Pink | — | |
#7fac6e | RGB(127, 172, 110) | Organic Green | — | |
#00aa22 | RGB(0, 170, 34) | Kobra Khan | — | |
#097988 | RGB(9, 121, 136) | Biscay Bay | — | |
#856798 | RGB(133, 103, 152) | Dark Lavender | Dark lavender | |
#64645a | RGB(100, 100, 90) | Cast Iron | — | |
#aea295 | RGB(174, 162, 149) | Natural Stone | — | |
#a6b5a9 | RGB(166, 181, 169) | Aquatone | — | |
#acb6b2 | RGB(172, 182, 178) | Periglacial Blue | — | |
#bdb0bc | RGB(189, 176, 188) | Velvet Dawn | — | |
#eacfa3 | RGB(234, 207, 163) | Harmonious Gold | — | |
#afebde | RGB(175, 235, 222) | Waterwings | — | |
#dcd5c8 | RGB(220, 213, 200) | Polished Limestone | — | |
#e0d5c9 | RGB(224, 213, 201) | Light Chintz | — | |
#e9edbd | RGB(233, 237, 189) | Spring Blossom | — | |
#e6cfcc | RGB(230, 207, 204) | Hugo | — | |
#d8e5dd | RGB(216, 229, 221) | Cactus Blossom | — | |
#e5d9dc | RGB(229, 217, 220) | Faded Firebrick | — | |
#f4ebd3 | RGB(244, 235, 211) | Janna | — |
Color Palette Contrast
154 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#a78f65 | #a6814c | 1.15 |
#a78f65 | #fd9d43 | 1.49 |
#a78f65 | #ff8d86 | 1.39 |
#a78f65 | #7fac6e | 1.18 |
#a78f65 | #00aa22 | 1 |
#a78f65 | #097988 | 1.64 |