Created at 01/05/2024 15:07
Bridge Troll Grey, Cool Camo, Peppered Pecan, Cheek Red, Cerignola Olive, Flame Yellow, Zatar Leaf, Loud Green, Sleep, Frank Blue,
Bridge Troll Grey
Cool Camo
Peppered Pecan
Cheek Red
Cerignola Olive
Flame Yellow
Zatar Leaf
Loud Green
Frank Blue
Clear Weather
Ball Blue
Purple Silhouette
Melanite Black Green
Velvet Violet
Sonoma Sage
Slippery Moss
Toasted Grain
Plum Frost
Ineffable Ice Cap
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Flame Yellow #ffcf49 and Ball Blue #21abcd. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Bridge Troll Grey, Cool Camo, Peppered Pecan, Cheek Red, Cerignola Olive, Flame Yellow, Zatar Leaf, Loud Green, Sleep, Frank Blue, has combination of 23 codes colors:
HEX: #817f6e, RGB: (129, 127, 110); HEX: #827566, RGB: (130, 117, 102); HEX: #957d6f, RGB: (149, 125, 111)
HEX: #a55a55, RGB: (165, 90, 85); HEX: #997b00, RGB: (153, 123, 0); HEX: #ffcf49, RGB: (255, 207, 73)
HEX: #60a448, RGB: (96, 164, 72); HEX: #64eb65, RGB: (100, 235, 101); HEX: #4579ac, RGB: (69, 121, 172)
HEX: #225288, RGB: (34, 82, 136); HEX: #66bbdd, RGB: (102, 187, 221); HEX: #21abcd, RGB: (33, 171, 205)
HEX: #776d90, RGB: (119, 109, 144); HEX: #cd526c, RGB: (205, 82, 108); HEX: #282e27, RGB: (40, 46, 39)
HEX: #43354f, RGB: (67, 53, 79); HEX: #90a58a, RGB: (144, 165, 138); HEX: #beba82, RGB: (190, 186, 130)
HEX: #c5a986, RGB: (197, 169, 134); HEX: #b1a7b6, RGB: (177, 167, 182); HEX: #acb3c7, RGB: (172, 179, 199)
HEX: #cecac3, RGB: (206, 202, 195); HEX: #caede4, RGB: (202, 237, 228)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Tint of Grey, Shade of Grey, Tint of indianred, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Shade of gold, Shade of olivedrab, Shade of springgreen, Tint of steelblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of skyblue, Tint of deepskyblue, Tint of slategrey, Tint of indianred, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of tan, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightcyan
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Bridge Troll Grey, Cool Camo, Peppered Pecan, Cheek Red, Cerignola Olive, Flame Yellow, Zatar Leaf, Loud Green, Sleep, Frank Blue, color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#817f6e | RGB(129, 127, 110) | Bridge Troll Grey | — | |
#827566 | RGB(130, 117, 102) | Cool Camo | — | |
#957d6f | RGB(149, 125, 111) | Peppered Pecan | — | |
#a55a55 | RGB(165, 90, 85) | Cheek Red | — | |
#997b00 | RGB(153, 123, 0) | Cerignola Olive | — | |
#ffcf49 | RGB(255, 207, 73) | Flame Yellow | — | |
#60a448 | RGB(96, 164, 72) | Zatar Leaf | — | |
#64eb65 | RGB(100, 235, 101) | Loud Green | — | |
#4579ac | RGB(69, 121, 172) | Sleep | — | |
#225288 | RGB(34, 82, 136) | Frank Blue | — | |
#66bbdd | RGB(102, 187, 221) | Clear Weather | — | |
#21abcd | RGB(33, 171, 205) | Ball Blue | — | |
#776d90 | RGB(119, 109, 144) | Purple Silhouette | — | |
#cd526c | RGB(205, 82, 108) | Cabaret | — | |
#282e27 | RGB(40, 46, 39) | Melanite Black Green | — | |
#43354f | RGB(67, 53, 79) | Velvet Violet | — | |
#90a58a | RGB(144, 165, 138) | Sonoma Sage | — | |
#beba82 | RGB(190, 186, 130) | Slippery Moss | — | |
#c5a986 | RGB(197, 169, 134) | Toasted Grain | — | |
#b1a7b6 | RGB(177, 167, 182) | Plum Frost | — | |
#acb3c7 | RGB(172, 179, 199) | Perseverance | — | |
#cecac3 | RGB(206, 202, 195) | Argento | — | |
#caede4 | RGB(202, 237, 228) | Ineffable Ice Cap | — |
Color Palette Contrast
143 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#817f6e | #827566 | 1.1 |
#817f6e | #957d6f | 1.04 |
#817f6e | #a55a55 | 1.23 |
#817f6e | #997b00 | 1 |
#817f6e | #60a448 | 1.32 |
#817f6e | #4579ac | 1.13 |