Created at 01/06/2024 11:25

Cinnamon Diamonds, Lonely Road, Tasty Toffee, Outlawed Orange, Cinnamon Stone, Green Suede, Illicit Green, Kingfisher Sheen, Arcad

Cinnamon Diamonds
Lonely Road
Tasty Toffee
Outlawed Orange
Cinnamon Stone
Green Suede
Illicit Green
Kingfisher Sheen
Arcade Glow
Murasaki Purple
Prairie Dust
Folk Tales
Cotton Muslin
Frosted Jade
Antique Cameo
Silver Medal
Light Soft Fresco
Lily of The Valley White
Herbal Vapors
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Arcade Glow #0022cc and Herbal Vapors #ddffcc. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Cinnamon Diamonds, Lonely Road, Tasty Toffee, Outlawed Orange, Cinnamon Stone, Green Suede, Illicit Green, Kingfisher Sheen, Arcad has combination of 19 codes colors:
HEX: #a97673, RGB: (169, 118, 115); HEX: #947754, RGB: (148, 119, 84); HEX: #9b6d54, RGB: (155, 109, 84)
HEX: #b67350, RGB: (182, 115, 80); HEX: #c9543a, RGB: (201, 84, 58); HEX: #73884d, RGB: (115, 136, 77)
HEX: #56fca2, RGB: (86, 252, 162); HEX: #007fa2, RGB: (0, 127, 162); HEX: #0022cc, RGB: (0, 34, 204)
HEX: #884898, RGB: (136, 72, 152); HEX: #b9ab8f, RGB: (185, 171, 143); HEX: #a5c1b6, RGB: (165, 193, 182)
HEX: #eed09c, RGB: (238, 208, 156); HEX: #c2d1c4, RGB: (194, 209, 196); HEX: #f0baa4, RGB: (240, 186, 164)
HEX: #d6d6d6, RGB: (214, 214, 214); HEX: #cfe0d7, RGB: (207, 224, 215); HEX: #e2e3d6, RGB: (226, 227, 214)
HEX: #ddffcc, RGB: (221, 255, 204)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of rosybrown, Tint of peru, Shade of sienna, Shade of chocolate, Tint of indianred, Shade of olivedrab, Shade of mediumspringgreen, Tint of steelblue, Shade of mediumblue, Shade of darkorchid, Tint of tan, Tint of powderblue, Tint of wheat, Tint of lightgrey, Shade of lightsalmon, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of honeydew, Tint of beige, Tint of lightgoldenrodyellow
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Cinnamon Diamonds, Lonely Road, Tasty Toffee, Outlawed Orange, Cinnamon Stone, Green Suede, Illicit Green, Kingfisher Sheen, Arcad color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a97673 RGB(169, 118, 115)Cinnamon Diamonds
#947754 RGB(148, 119, 84)Lonely Road
#9b6d54 RGB(155, 109, 84)Tasty Toffee
#b67350 RGB(182, 115, 80)Outlawed Orange
#c9543a RGB(201, 84, 58)Cinnamon Stone
#73884d RGB(115, 136, 77)Green Suede
#56fca2 RGB(86, 252, 162)Illicit GreenLight green blue
#007fa2 RGB(0, 127, 162)Kingfisher Sheen
#0022cc RGB(0, 34, 204)Arcade Glow
#884898 RGB(136, 72, 152)Murasaki Purple
#b9ab8f RGB(185, 171, 143)Prairie Dust
#a5c1b6 RGB(165, 193, 182)Folk Tales
#eed09c RGB(238, 208, 156)Cotton Muslin
#c2d1c4 RGB(194, 209, 196)Frosted Jade
#f0baa4 RGB(240, 186, 164)Antique Cameo
#d6d6d6 RGB(214, 214, 214)Silver MedalGray84
#cfe0d7 RGB(207, 224, 215)Light Soft Fresco
#e2e3d6 RGB(226, 227, 214)Lily of The Valley White
#ddffcc RGB(221, 255, 204)Herbal Vapors

Color Palette Contrast

81 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Cinnamon Diamonds, Lonely Road, Tasty Toffee, Outlawed Orange, Cinnamon Stone, Green Suede, Illicit Green, Kingfisher Sheen, Arcad png

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