Created at 03/01/2024 09:15

Sunflower Island, Harā Green, Thyme and Salt, Plunge, Chili Dip, Kobold Skin, Sweetly palette

Sunflower Island
Harā Green
Thyme and Salt
Chili Dip
Kobold Skin
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Plunge #035568 and Sweetly #ffe5ef. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Sunflower Island, Harā Green, Thyme and Salt, Plunge, Chili Dip, Kobold Skin, Sweetly palette has combination of 7 codes colors:
HEX: #ffcd01, RGB: (255, 205, 1); HEX: #55aa55, RGB: (85, 170, 85); HEX: #629a31, RGB: (98, 154, 49)
HEX: #035568, RGB: (3, 85, 104); HEX: #f0b692, RGB: (240, 182, 146); HEX: #f0d2cf, RGB: (240, 210, 207)
HEX: #ffe5ef, RGB: (255, 229, 239)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of gold, Tint of mediumseagreen, Shade of olivedrab, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Sunflower Island, Harā Green, Thyme and Salt, Plunge, Chili Dip, Kobold Skin, Sweetly palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ffcd01 RGB(255, 205, 1)Sunflower Island
#55aa55 RGB(85, 170, 85)Harā Green
#629a31 RGB(98, 154, 49)Thyme and Salt
#035568 RGB(3, 85, 104)Plunge
#f0b692 RGB(240, 182, 146)Chili Dip
#f0d2cf RGB(240, 210, 207)Kobold Skin
#ffe5ef RGB(255, 229, 239)Sweetly

Color Palette Contrast

10 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Sunflower Island, Harā Green, Thyme and Salt, Plunge, Chili Dip, Kobold Skin, Sweetly palette png