Created at 10/01/2024 18:44
Green Stain
Feather Star
Plain Old Brown
Vermillion Orange
Candlelight Peach
Norfolk Sky
Violet Red
University of California Gold
Deep Violet
Deep Sea
Royal Lilac
Gilded Glamour
Iridescent Turquoise
Pharmaceutical Green
Luscious Leek
Wild Caribbean Green
Etude Lilac
Minty Frosting
Angry Flamingo
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Violet Red #a5014f and #8dfcb4. Palette has Cool, Warm, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Rave has combination of 30 codes colors:
HEX: #28503c, RGB: (40, 80, 60); HEX: #5ca2f6, RGB: (92, 162, 246); HEX: #0c20b7, RGB: (12, 32, 183)
HEX: #914e01, RGB: (145, 78, 1); HEX: #2906f5, RGB: (41, 6, 245); HEX: #f8613f, RGB: (248, 97, 63)
HEX: #fba69a, RGB: (251, 166, 154); HEX: #456e63, RGB: (69, 110, 99); HEX: #11ba61, RGB: (17, 186, 97)
HEX: #87424b, RGB: (135, 66, 75); HEX: #6ab7e4, RGB: (106, 183, 228); HEX: #4c05b8, RGB: (76, 5, 184)
HEX: #c21399, RGB: (194, 19, 153); HEX: #a5014f, RGB: (165, 1, 79); HEX: #8dfcb4, RGB: (141, 252, 180)
HEX: #f215d8, RGB: (242, 21, 216); HEX: #ba8023, RGB: (186, 128, 35); HEX: #2e056c, RGB: (46, 5, 108)
HEX: #147965, RGB: (20, 121, 101); HEX: #b271e4, RGB: (178, 113, 228); HEX: #7e4b92, RGB: (126, 75, 146)
HEX: #6b42b6, RGB: (107, 66, 182); HEX: #966841, RGB: (150, 104, 65); HEX: #79f9cb, RGB: (121, 249, 203)
HEX: #067d37, RGB: (6, 125, 55); HEX: #b9d420, RGB: (185, 212, 32); HEX: #23d3a0, RGB: (35, 211, 160)
HEX: #d3d3d8, RGB: (211, 211, 216); HEX: #dae8cd, RGB: (218, 232, 205); HEX: #f54b41, RGB: (245, 75, 65)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of cornflowerblue, Shade of mediumblue, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of Blue, Tint of tomato, Shade of darksalmon, Shade of Teal, Tint of mediumseagreen, Shade of brown, Shade of deepskyblue, Shade of mediumblue, Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of mediumvioletred, Shade of palegreen, Shade of magenta, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Shade of Navy, Tint of Teal, Shade of mediumpurple, Tint of darkorchid, Tint of slateblue, Shade of sienna, Tint of aquamarine, Shade of Green, Shade of Yellowgreen, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of beige, Tint of tomato
Color scheme was created by Ben Plays Roblox
Colors codes in palette
Rave color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#28503c | RGB(40, 80, 60) | Green Stain | — | |
#5ca2f6 | RGB(92, 162, 246) | Feather Star | — | |
#0c20b7 | RGB(12, 32, 183) | — | — | |
#914e01 | RGB(145, 78, 1) | Plain Old Brown | — | |
#2906f5 | RGB(41, 6, 245) | — | — | |
#f8613f | RGB(248, 97, 63) | Vermillion Orange | — | |
#fba69a | RGB(251, 166, 154) | Candlelight Peach | — | |
#456e63 | RGB(69, 110, 99) | Cormorant | — | |
#11ba61 | RGB(17, 186, 97) | — | — | |
#87424b | RGB(135, 66, 75) | Bolero | — | |
#6ab7e4 | RGB(106, 183, 228) | Norfolk Sky | — | |
#4c05b8 | RGB(76, 5, 184) | — | — | |
#c21399 | RGB(194, 19, 153) | — | — | |
#a5014f | RGB(165, 1, 79) | Violet Red | — | |
#8dfcb4 | RGB(141, 252, 180) | — | — | |
#f215d8 | RGB(242, 21, 216) | Fuchsia | — | |
#ba8023 | RGB(186, 128, 35) | University of California Gold | — | |
#2e056c | RGB(46, 5, 108) | Deep Violet | — | |
#147965 | RGB(20, 121, 101) | Deep Sea | — | |
#b271e4 | RGB(178, 113, 228) | Lavender | — | |
#7e4b92 | RGB(126, 75, 146) | Royal Lilac | — | |
#6b42b6 | RGB(107, 66, 182) | — | — | |
#966841 | RGB(150, 104, 65) | Gilded Glamour | — | |
#79f9cb | RGB(121, 249, 203) | Iridescent Turquoise | — | |
#067d37 | RGB(6, 125, 55) | Pharmaceutical Green | — | |
#b9d420 | RGB(185, 212, 32) | Luscious Leek | — | |
#23d3a0 | RGB(35, 211, 160) | Wild Caribbean Green | — | |
#d3d3d8 | RGB(211, 211, 216) | Etude Lilac | — | |
#dae8cd | RGB(218, 232, 205) | Minty Frosting | — | |
#f54b41 | RGB(245, 75, 65) | Angry Flamingo | — |
Color Palette Contrast
206 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#28503c | #0c20b7 | 1.2 |
#28503c | #914e01 | 1.43 |
#28503c | #2906f5 | 1.05 |
#28503c | #456e63 | 1.59 |
#28503c | #87424b | 1.26 |
#28503c | #4c05b8 | 1.13 |