Created at 10/04/2024 14:57
Plum Haze, Persian Gold, Navajo Turquoise, Governor Bay, Twilight Twinkle, Common Teal, Xereus Purple, Decanting palette
Plum Haze
Persian Gold
Navajo Turquoise
Governor Bay
Twilight Twinkle
Common Teal
Xereus Purple
Elusive White
Aria Ivory
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Common Teal #009193 and Xereus Purple #7d0061. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Plum Haze, Persian Gold, Navajo Turquoise, Governor Bay, Twilight Twinkle, Common Teal, Xereus Purple, Decanting palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #8b7574, RGB: (139, 117, 116); HEX: #9b7939, RGB: (155, 121, 57); HEX: #007c78, RGB: (0, 124, 120)
HEX: #51559b, RGB: (81, 85, 155); HEX: #7b85c6, RGB: (123, 133, 198); HEX: #009193, RGB: (0, 145, 147)
HEX: #7d0061, RGB: (125, 0, 97); HEX: #bfa1ad, RGB: (191, 161, 173); HEX: #e8e3d6, RGB: (232, 227, 214)
HEX: #f9e8d8, RGB: (249, 232, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Tint of Teal, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of cornflowerblue, Shade of darkcyan, Tint of Purple, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of oldlace, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Plum Haze, Persian Gold, Navajo Turquoise, Governor Bay, Twilight Twinkle, Common Teal, Xereus Purple, Decanting palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8b7574 | RGB(139, 117, 116) | Plum Haze | — | |
#9b7939 | RGB(155, 121, 57) | Persian Gold | — | |
#007c78 | RGB(0, 124, 120) | Navajo Turquoise | — | |
#51559b | RGB(81, 85, 155) | Governor Bay | — | |
#7b85c6 | RGB(123, 133, 198) | Twilight Twinkle | — | |
#009193 | RGB(0, 145, 147) | Common Teal | — | |
#7d0061 | RGB(125, 0, 97) | Xereus Purple | — | |
#bfa1ad | RGB(191, 161, 173) | Decanting | — | |
#e8e3d6 | RGB(232, 227, 214) | Elusive White | — | |
#f9e8d8 | RGB(249, 232, 216) | Aria Ivory | — |
Color Palette Contrast
23 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8b7574 | #9b7939 | 1.05 |
#8b7574 | #007c78 | 1.17 |
#8b7574 | #51559b | 1.56 |
#8b7574 | #7b85c6 | 1.22 |
#8b7574 | #009193 | 1.11 |
#8b7574 | #bfa1ad | 1.82 |