Created at 10/06/2024 09:46
Spiced Cinnamon, Kimirucha Brown, Mammoth Wool, Ripe Mango, Pure Apple, Young Bamboo, Danube, Charybdis, Vestige, Dancing Dragonfl
Spiced Cinnamon
Kimirucha Brown
Mammoth Wool
Ripe Mango
Pure Apple
Young Bamboo
Dancing Dragonfly
Vampiric Council
Inoffensive Blue
Seven Seas
Timber Town
Aqua Foam
Swimming Pool Green
Corkscrew Willow
Bussell Lace
Pale Petals
Mint Macaron
Light Green Wash
Misty Mint
All Made Up
Violet Essence
Ivory Mist
Solid Opal
Watermelon Mousse
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Ripe Mango #ffc324 and Dancing Dragonfly #006658. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Spiced Cinnamon, Kimirucha Brown, Mammoth Wool, Ripe Mango, Pure Apple, Young Bamboo, Danube, Charybdis, Vestige, Dancing Dragonfl has combination of 30 codes colors:
HEX: #805b48, RGB: (128, 91, 72); HEX: #896c39, RGB: (137, 108, 57); HEX: #995522, RGB: (153, 85, 34)
HEX: #ffc324, RGB: (255, 195, 36); HEX: #6ab54b, RGB: (106, 181, 75); HEX: #68be8d, RGB: (104, 190, 141)
HEX: #5b89c0, RGB: (91, 137, 192); HEX: #16a3cb, RGB: (22, 163, 203); HEX: #937899, RGB: (147, 120, 153)
HEX: #006658, RGB: (0, 102, 88); HEX: #5c0c0c, RGB: (92, 12, 12); HEX: #114477, RGB: (17, 68, 119)
HEX: #375d4f, RGB: (55, 93, 79); HEX: #4a5c6a, RGB: (74, 92, 106); HEX: #908d85, RGB: (144, 141, 133)
HEX: #caad76, RGB: (202, 173, 118); HEX: #adc3b4, RGB: (173, 195, 180); HEX: #a8cfc0, RGB: (168, 207, 192)
HEX: #d1b9ab, RGB: (209, 185, 171); HEX: #e5a1a0, RGB: (229, 161, 160); HEX: #d9bfce, RGB: (217, 191, 206)
HEX: #afeeee, RGB: (175, 238, 238); HEX: #d4e6d9, RGB: (212, 230, 217); HEX: #ceefe4, RGB: (206, 239, 228)
HEX: #deecda, RGB: (222, 236, 218); HEX: #efd7e7, RGB: (239, 215, 231); HEX: #e6e5e6, RGB: (230, 229, 230)
HEX: #efeade, RGB: (239, 234, 222); HEX: #eeeae2, RGB: (238, 234, 226); HEX: #fbe0e8, RGB: (251, 224, 232)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of sienna, Tint of Olive, Tint of sienna, Tint of gold, Shade of limegreen, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of steelblue, Tint of deepskyblue, Tint of mediumpurple, Tint of Teal, Tint of Maroon, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Grey, Tint of tan, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of powderblue, Shade of tan, Tint of lightpink, Tint of thistle, paleturquoise, Tint of honeydew, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of honeydew, Shade of thistle, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of oldlace, Tint of floralwhite, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by hex
Colors codes in palette
Spiced Cinnamon, Kimirucha Brown, Mammoth Wool, Ripe Mango, Pure Apple, Young Bamboo, Danube, Charybdis, Vestige, Dancing Dragonfl color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#805b48 | RGB(128, 91, 72) | Spiced Cinnamon | — | |
#896c39 | RGB(137, 108, 57) | Kimirucha Brown | — | |
#995522 | RGB(153, 85, 34) | Mammoth Wool | — | |
#ffc324 | RGB(255, 195, 36) | Ripe Mango | — | |
#6ab54b | RGB(106, 181, 75) | Pure Apple | — | |
#68be8d | RGB(104, 190, 141) | Young Bamboo | — | |
#5b89c0 | RGB(91, 137, 192) | Danube | — | |
#16a3cb | RGB(22, 163, 203) | Charybdis | — | |
#937899 | RGB(147, 120, 153) | Vestige | — | |
#006658 | RGB(0, 102, 88) | Dancing Dragonfly | — | |
#5c0c0c | RGB(92, 12, 12) | Vampiric Council | — | |
#114477 | RGB(17, 68, 119) | Inoffensive Blue | — | |
#375d4f | RGB(55, 93, 79) | Spectra | — | |
#4a5c6a | RGB(74, 92, 106) | Seven Seas | — | |
#908d85 | RGB(144, 141, 133) | Timber Town | — | |
#caad76 | RGB(202, 173, 118) | Sigmarite | — | |
#adc3b4 | RGB(173, 195, 180) | Aqua Foam | — | |
#a8cfc0 | RGB(168, 207, 192) | Swimming Pool Green | — | |
#d1b9ab | RGB(209, 185, 171) | Corkscrew Willow | — | |
#e5a1a0 | RGB(229, 161, 160) | Bussell Lace | — | |
#d9bfce | RGB(217, 191, 206) | Pale Petals | — | |
#afeeee | RGB(175, 238, 238) | Mint Macaron | Paleturquoise | |
#d4e6d9 | RGB(212, 230, 217) | Light Green Wash | — | |
#ceefe4 | RGB(206, 239, 228) | Hummingbird | — | |
#deecda | RGB(222, 236, 218) | Misty Mint | — | |
#efd7e7 | RGB(239, 215, 231) | All Made Up | — | |
#e6e5e6 | RGB(230, 229, 230) | Violet Essence | — | |
#efeade | RGB(239, 234, 222) | Ivory Mist | — | |
#eeeae2 | RGB(238, 234, 226) | Solid Opal | — | |
#fbe0e8 | RGB(251, 224, 232) | Watermelon Mousse | — |
Color Palette Contrast
219 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#805b48 | #896c39 | 1.21 |
#805b48 | #995522 | 1.04 |
#805b48 | #5b89c0 | 1.64 |
#805b48 | #937899 | 1.53 |
#805b48 | #006658 | 1.15 |
#805b48 | #114477 | 1.65 |