Created at 10/08/2024 08:14
Upper East Side, Living Coral, American Green, Bianchi Green, Berry Rossi, Satin Deep Black, Bunting, Limousine Leather, Forest Fr
Upper East Side
Living Coral
American Green
Bianchi Green
Berry Rossi
Satin Deep Black
Limousine Leather
Forest Fruit Pink
Feldspar Grey
Pineapple Slice
Bath Salt Green
Aquarelle Yellow
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Living Coral #ff6f61 and Bianchi Green #3dcfc2. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Upper East Side, Living Coral, American Green, Bianchi Green, Berry Rossi, Satin Deep Black, Bunting, Limousine Leather, Forest Fr has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #8d6051, RGB: (141, 96, 81); HEX: #ff6f61, RGB: (255, 111, 97); HEX: #34b334, RGB: (52, 179, 52)
HEX: #3dcfc2, RGB: (61, 207, 194); HEX: #992244, RGB: (153, 34, 68); HEX: #1c1e21, RGB: (28, 30, 33)
HEX: #2b3449, RGB: (43, 52, 73); HEX: #3b3c3b, RGB: (59, 60, 59); HEX: #68393b, RGB: (104, 57, 59)
HEX: #bca885, RGB: (188, 168, 133); HEX: #e7d391, RGB: (231, 211, 145); HEX: #bbded7, RGB: (187, 222, 215)
HEX: #f4eeda, RGB: (244, 238, 218)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Tint of salmon, Tint of limegreen, Tint of mediumturquoise, Tint of brown, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of brown, Tint of tan, Tint of palegoldenrod, Shade of powderblue, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Upper East Side, Living Coral, American Green, Bianchi Green, Berry Rossi, Satin Deep Black, Bunting, Limousine Leather, Forest Fr color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8d6051 | RGB(141, 96, 81) | Upper East Side | — | |
#ff6f61 | RGB(255, 111, 97) | Living Coral | — | |
#34b334 | RGB(52, 179, 52) | American Green | — | |
#3dcfc2 | RGB(61, 207, 194) | Bianchi Green | — | |
#992244 | RGB(153, 34, 68) | Berry Rossi | — | |
#1c1e21 | RGB(28, 30, 33) | Satin Deep Black | — | |
#2b3449 | RGB(43, 52, 73) | Bunting | — | |
#3b3c3b | RGB(59, 60, 59) | Limousine Leather | — | |
#68393b | RGB(104, 57, 59) | Forest Fruit Pink | — | |
#bca885 | RGB(188, 168, 133) | Feldspar Grey | — | |
#e7d391 | RGB(231, 211, 145) | Pineapple Slice | — | |
#bbded7 | RGB(187, 222, 215) | Bath Salt Green | — | |
#f4eeda | RGB(244, 238, 218) | Aquarelle Yellow | — |
Color Palette Contrast
32 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8d6051 | #ff6f61 | 1.96 |
#8d6051 | #34b334 | 1.94 |
#8d6051 | #992244 | 1.47 |
#8d6051 | #68393b | 1.75 |
#ff6f61 | #34b334 | 1 |
#ff6f61 | #3dcfc2 | 1.41 |