Created at 10/09/2024 10:45

Olivine Grey, Crimson Silk, Poppy Glow, Will, Figue, Saffron Desires, Valhalla, Noble Lilac, Blue Eyed Boy, Spice Pink, Vanilla Qu

Olivine Grey
Crimson Silk
Poppy Glow
Saffron Desires
Noble Lilac
Blue Eyed Boy
Spice Pink
Vanilla Quake
Yellow Geranium
Sculptural Silver
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Will #179fa6 and Yellow Geranium #ffe1a0. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Olivine Grey, Crimson Silk, Poppy Glow, Will, Figue, Saffron Desires, Valhalla, Noble Lilac, Blue Eyed Boy, Spice Pink, Vanilla Qu has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #928e7c, RGB: (146, 142, 124); HEX: #b5413b, RGB: (181, 65, 59); HEX: #f18c49, RGB: (241, 140, 73)
HEX: #179fa6, RGB: (23, 159, 166); HEX: #9469a2, RGB: (148, 105, 162); HEX: #c24359, RGB: (194, 67, 89)
HEX: #2a2b41, RGB: (42, 43, 65); HEX: #b28392, RGB: (178, 131, 146); HEX: #87bde3, RGB: (135, 189, 227)
HEX: #ffb088, RGB: (255, 176, 136); HEX: #cbc8c2, RGB: (203, 200, 194); HEX: #dbc8c0, RGB: (219, 200, 192)
HEX: #ffe1a0, RGB: (255, 225, 160); HEX: #d1dad5, RGB: (209, 218, 213); HEX: #cfd9de, RGB: (207, 217, 222)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Shade of brown, Tint of sandybrown, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of mediumorchid, Tint of indianred, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of lightskyblue, Shade of lightsalmon, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of moccasin, Shade of lightgrey, Shade of lightgrey
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Olivine Grey, Crimson Silk, Poppy Glow, Will, Figue, Saffron Desires, Valhalla, Noble Lilac, Blue Eyed Boy, Spice Pink, Vanilla Qu color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#928e7c RGB(146, 142, 124)Olivine Grey
#b5413b RGB(181, 65, 59)Crimson Silk
#f18c49 RGB(241, 140, 73)Poppy Glow
#179fa6 RGB(23, 159, 166)Will
#9469a2 RGB(148, 105, 162)Figue
#c24359 RGB(194, 67, 89)Saffron Desires
#2a2b41 RGB(42, 43, 65)Valhalla
#b28392 RGB(178, 131, 146)Noble Lilac
#87bde3 RGB(135, 189, 227)Blue Eyed Boy
#ffb088 RGB(255, 176, 136)Spice Pink
#cbc8c2 RGB(203, 200, 194)Vanilla Quake
#dbc8c0 RGB(219, 200, 192)Malted
#ffe1a0 RGB(255, 225, 160)Yellow Geranium
#d1dad5 RGB(209, 218, 213)Sculptural Silver
#cfd9de RGB(207, 217, 222)Zen

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Olivine Grey, Crimson Silk, Poppy Glow, Will, Figue, Saffron Desires, Valhalla, Noble Lilac, Blue Eyed Boy, Spice Pink, Vanilla Qu png

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