Created at 10/11/2024 12:07

Upsdell Red, Rudraksha Beads, Squash, Pinkish Orange, Fresh Scent, Bright Olive, Berry Blackmail, Groovy, Purple Stiletto, Relish,

Upsdell Red
Rudraksha Beads
Pinkish Orange
Fresh Scent
Bright Olive
Berry Blackmail
Purple Stiletto
His Eyes
Bowling Green
Wind Speed
Compact Disc Grey
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Pinkish Orange #ff724c and His Eyes #9bb9e1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Upsdell Red, Rudraksha Beads, Squash, Pinkish Orange, Fresh Scent, Bright Olive, Berry Blackmail, Groovy, Purple Stiletto, Relish, has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #ae2029, RGB: (174, 32, 41); HEX: #894e45, RGB: (137, 78, 69); HEX: #f2ab15, RGB: (242, 171, 21)
HEX: #ff724c, RGB: (255, 114, 76); HEX: #f1c11c, RGB: (241, 193, 28); HEX: #9cbb04, RGB: (156, 187, 4)
HEX: #662277, RGB: (102, 34, 119); HEX: #de6491, RGB: (222, 100, 145); HEX: #624154, RGB: (98, 65, 84)
HEX: #b3cbaa, RGB: (179, 203, 170); HEX: #9bb9e1, RGB: (155, 185, 225); HEX: #bfdeaf, RGB: (191, 222, 175)
HEX: #bfd6d9, RGB: (191, 214, 217); HEX: #cdcdcd, RGB: (205, 205, 205)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Shade of brown, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of coral, Tint of gold, Tint of Yellowgreen, Shade of Purple, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of Purple, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of darkseagreen, Shade of lightblue, Tint of lightgrey
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Upsdell Red, Rudraksha Beads, Squash, Pinkish Orange, Fresh Scent, Bright Olive, Berry Blackmail, Groovy, Purple Stiletto, Relish, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ae2029 RGB(174, 32, 41)Upsdell Red
#894e45 RGB(137, 78, 69)Rudraksha Beads
#f2ab15 RGB(242, 171, 21)Squash
#ff724c RGB(255, 114, 76)Pinkish OrangePinkish orange
#f1c11c RGB(241, 193, 28)Fresh Scent
#9cbb04 RGB(156, 187, 4)Bright OliveBright olive
#662277 RGB(102, 34, 119)Berry Blackmail
#de6491 RGB(222, 100, 145)Groovy
#624154 RGB(98, 65, 84)Purple Stiletto
#b3cbaa RGB(179, 203, 170)Relish
#9bb9e1 RGB(155, 185, 225)His Eyes
#bfdeaf RGB(191, 222, 175)Bowling Green
#bfd6d9 RGB(191, 214, 217)Wind Speed
#cdcdcd RGB(205, 205, 205)Compact Disc Grey

Color Palette Contrast

49 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Upsdell Red, Rudraksha Beads, Squash, Pinkish Orange, Fresh Scent, Bright Olive, Berry Blackmail, Groovy, Purple Stiletto, Relish, png

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