Created at 10/11/2024 18:08

Flint, Tyson Taupe, Taisha Red, Sweet Carrot, Saffron Soufflé, Pheromone Purple, Pepper Jelly, Hydrargyrum, Private Jet, Soft Heat

Tyson Taupe
Taisha Red
Sweet Carrot
Saffron Soufflé
Pheromone Purple
Pepper Jelly
Private Jet
Soft Heather
Sacred Blue
Osprey Nest
Spooky Ghost
Kingly Cloud
Pergament Shreds
Lighter Mint
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Saffron Soufflé #feb209 and Pheromone Purple #8822bb. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Flint, Tyson Taupe, Taisha Red, Sweet Carrot, Saffron Soufflé, Pheromone Purple, Pepper Jelly, Hydrargyrum, Private Jet, Soft Heat has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #716e61, RGB: (113, 110, 97); HEX: #736458, RGB: (115, 100, 88); HEX: #9f5233, RGB: (159, 82, 51)
HEX: #cc764f, RGB: (204, 118, 79); HEX: #feb209, RGB: (254, 178, 9); HEX: #8822bb, RGB: (136, 34, 187)
HEX: #cc2244, RGB: (204, 34, 68); HEX: #9b9b9b, RGB: (155, 155, 155); HEX: #889db2, RGB: (136, 157, 178)
HEX: #bea8b7, RGB: (190, 168, 183); HEX: #97b9e0, RGB: (151, 185, 224); HEX: #ccbab1, RGB: (204, 186, 177)
HEX: #aadccd, RGB: (170, 220, 205); HEX: #d4d1d9, RGB: (212, 209, 217); HEX: #dedede, RGB: (222, 222, 222)
HEX: #e4e0dc, RGB: (228, 224, 220); HEX: #dfebdd, RGB: (223, 235, 221)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Shade of chocolate, Shade of Orange, Shade of darkviolet, Shade of crimson, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of thistle, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of Silver, Tint of paleturquoise, Tint of lightgrey, Shade of gainsboro, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Flint, Tyson Taupe, Taisha Red, Sweet Carrot, Saffron Soufflé, Pheromone Purple, Pepper Jelly, Hydrargyrum, Private Jet, Soft Heat color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#716e61 RGB(113, 110, 97)Flint
#736458 RGB(115, 100, 88)Tyson Taupe
#9f5233 RGB(159, 82, 51)Taisha Red
#cc764f RGB(204, 118, 79)Sweet Carrot
#feb209 RGB(254, 178, 9)Saffron SouffléSaffron
#8822bb RGB(136, 34, 187)Pheromone Purple
#cc2244 RGB(204, 34, 68)Pepper Jelly
#9b9b9b RGB(155, 155, 155)Hydrargyrum
#889db2 RGB(136, 157, 178)Private Jet
#bea8b7 RGB(190, 168, 183)Soft Heather
#97b9e0 RGB(151, 185, 224)Sacred Blue
#ccbab1 RGB(204, 186, 177)Osprey Nest
#aadccd RGB(170, 220, 205)Prism
#d4d1d9 RGB(212, 209, 217)Spooky Ghost
#dedede RGB(222, 222, 222)Kingly CloudGray87
#e4e0dc RGB(228, 224, 220)Pergament Shreds
#dfebdd RGB(223, 235, 221)Lighter Mint

Color Palette Contrast

73 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Flint, Tyson Taupe, Taisha Red, Sweet Carrot, Saffron Soufflé, Pheromone Purple, Pepper Jelly, Hydrargyrum, Private Jet, Soft Heat png

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