Created at 10/12/2024 12:04

Noble Cause, Knotweed, Burning Coals, Crash Dummy, San Marino, Aqua Fresco, Lochmara, Raspberry Pink, Cruel Jewel, Hidden Depths,

Noble Cause
Burning Coals
Crash Dummy
San Marino
Aqua Fresco
Raspberry Pink
Cruel Jewel
Hidden Depths
Costa Rica Blue
Dusty Aqua
Individual White
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The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Burning Coals #f79d72 and Costa Rica Blue #77bce2. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Noble Cause, Knotweed, Burning Coals, Crash Dummy, San Marino, Aqua Fresco, Lochmara, Raspberry Pink, Cruel Jewel, Hidden Depths, has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #990c0d, RGB: (153, 12, 13); HEX: #837f67, RGB: (131, 127, 103); HEX: #f79d72, RGB: (247, 157, 114)
HEX: #eeee66, RGB: (238, 238, 102); HEX: #4e6c9d, RGB: (78, 108, 157); HEX: #4a9fa3, RGB: (74, 159, 163)
HEX: #316ea0, RGB: (49, 110, 160); HEX: #e25098, RGB: (226, 80, 152); HEX: #ee2288, RGB: (238, 34, 136)
HEX: #305451, RGB: (48, 84, 81); HEX: #77bce2, RGB: (119, 188, 226); HEX: #b5bbc7, RGB: (181, 187, 199)
HEX: #c0dccd, RGB: (192, 220, 205); HEX: #d4cdca, RGB: (212, 205, 202)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Tint of Grey, Tint of lightsalmon, Tint of Khaki, Tint of royalblue, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of steelblue, Shade of deeppink, Shade of deeppink, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of lightskyblue, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of honeydew, Tint of lightgrey
Color scheme was created by coolor

Colors codes in palette

Noble Cause, Knotweed, Burning Coals, Crash Dummy, San Marino, Aqua Fresco, Lochmara, Raspberry Pink, Cruel Jewel, Hidden Depths, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#990c0d RGB(153, 12, 13)Noble Cause
#837f67 RGB(131, 127, 103)Knotweed
#f79d72 RGB(247, 157, 114)Burning Coals
#eeee66 RGB(238, 238, 102)Crash Dummy
#4e6c9d RGB(78, 108, 157)San Marino
#4a9fa3 RGB(74, 159, 163)Aqua Fresco
#316ea0 RGB(49, 110, 160)Lochmara
#e25098 RGB(226, 80, 152)Raspberry Pink
#ee2288 RGB(238, 34, 136)Cruel Jewel
#305451 RGB(48, 84, 81)Hidden Depths
#77bce2 RGB(119, 188, 226)Costa Rica Blue
#b5bbc7 RGB(181, 187, 199)Blunt
#c0dccd RGB(192, 220, 205)Dusty Aqua
#d4cdca RGB(212, 205, 202)Individual White

Color Palette Contrast

46 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Noble Cause, Knotweed, Burning Coals, Crash Dummy, San Marino, Aqua Fresco, Lochmara, Raspberry Pink, Cruel Jewel, Hidden Depths, png

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