Created at 10/15/2024 10:23

Incubation Red, Saveloy, Royal Rum, Highball, Anaheim Pepper, Enduring, Metallic Copper, Taupe Tone, Friendly Homestead, Smoke Scr

Incubation Red
Royal Rum
Anaheim Pepper
Metallic Copper
Taupe Tone
Friendly Homestead
Smoke Screen
Duck Tail
Dusty Lilac
Fleeting Green
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Incubation Red and Saveloy. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Incubation Red, Saveloy, Royal Rum, Highball, Anaheim Pepper, Enduring, Metallic Copper, Taupe Tone, Friendly Homestead, Smoke Scr has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #da1d38, RGB: (218, 29, 56); HEX: #aa2200, RGB: (170, 34, 0); HEX: #a54a4a, RGB: (165, 74, 74)
HEX: #928c3c, RGB: (146, 140, 60); HEX: #00bb44, RGB: (0, 187, 68); HEX: #586683, RGB: (88, 102, 131)
HEX: #6e3d34, RGB: (110, 61, 52); HEX: #ada090, RGB: (173, 160, 144); HEX: #c8a992, RGB: (200, 169, 146)
HEX: #aeaeae, RGB: (174, 174, 174); HEX: #e9d6b1, RGB: (233, 214, 177); HEX: #d3cacd, RGB: (211, 202, 205)
HEX: #d8e2d8, RGB: (216, 226, 216); HEX: #faeede, RGB: (250, 238, 222)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of crimson, Tint of firebrick, Shade of brown, Shade of Olive, Tint of limegreen, Tint of slategrey, Tint of brown, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of tan, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of wheat, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of mintcream, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Incubation Red, Saveloy, Royal Rum, Highball, Anaheim Pepper, Enduring, Metallic Copper, Taupe Tone, Friendly Homestead, Smoke Scr color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#da1d38 RGB(218, 29, 56)Incubation Red
#aa2200 RGB(170, 34, 0)Saveloy
#a54a4a RGB(165, 74, 74)Royal Rum
#928c3c RGB(146, 140, 60)Highball
#00bb44 RGB(0, 187, 68)Anaheim Pepper
#586683 RGB(88, 102, 131)Enduring
#6e3d34 RGB(110, 61, 52)Metallic Copper
#ada090 RGB(173, 160, 144)Taupe Tone
#c8a992 RGB(200, 169, 146)Friendly Homestead
#aeaeae RGB(174, 174, 174)Smoke Screen
#e9d6b1 RGB(233, 214, 177)Duck Tail
#d3cacd RGB(211, 202, 205)Dusty Lilac
#d8e2d8 RGB(216, 226, 216)Fleeting Green
#faeede RGB(250, 238, 222)Starglider

Image palette Incubation Red, Saveloy, Royal Rum, Highball, Anaheim Pepper, Enduring, Metallic Copper, Taupe Tone, Friendly Homestead, Smoke Scr png