Created at 10/15/2024 10:39
Little Ladybug, Olive Shadow, Gold Varnish Brown, Salsa Habanero, Heat Wave, Portuguese Blue, Cyan Blue, Mahogany Rose, Begonia Pi
Little Ladybug
Olive Shadow
Gold Varnish Brown
Salsa Habanero
Heat Wave
Portuguese Blue
Cyan Blue
Mahogany Rose
Begonia Pink
Light Skyway
Silver Setting
Pure Laughter
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Heat Wave #ff7a00 and Cyan Blue #14a3c7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Little Ladybug, Olive Shadow, Gold Varnish Brown, Salsa Habanero, Heat Wave, Portuguese Blue, Cyan Blue, Mahogany Rose, Begonia Pi has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #ff1414, RGB: (255, 20, 20); HEX: #706041, RGB: (112, 96, 65); HEX: #b95e33, RGB: (185, 94, 51)
HEX: #e35401, RGB: (227, 84, 1); HEX: #ff7a00, RGB: (255, 122, 0); HEX: #3c5e95, RGB: (60, 94, 149)
HEX: #14a3c7, RGB: (20, 163, 199); HEX: #c5a193, RGB: (197, 161, 147); HEX: #ec9abe, RGB: (236, 154, 190)
HEX: #d3d5d3, RGB: (211, 213, 211); HEX: #c2e3e8, RGB: (194, 227, 232); HEX: #d8dadb, RGB: (216, 218, 219)
HEX: #fdf5ca, RGB: (253, 245, 202); HEX: #e1f2f0, RGB: (225, 242, 240)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Shade of orangered, Tint of darkorange, Tint of royalblue, Tint of deepskyblue, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of plum, Shade of lightgrey, Shade of powderblue, Tint of gainsboro, Tint of lemonchiffon, Tint of azure
Color scheme was created by colorhunt
Colors codes in palette
Little Ladybug, Olive Shadow, Gold Varnish Brown, Salsa Habanero, Heat Wave, Portuguese Blue, Cyan Blue, Mahogany Rose, Begonia Pi color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ff1414 | RGB(255, 20, 20) | Little Ladybug | — | |
#706041 | RGB(112, 96, 65) | Olive Shadow | — | |
#b95e33 | RGB(185, 94, 51) | Gold Varnish Brown | — | |
#e35401 | RGB(227, 84, 1) | Salsa Habanero | — | |
#ff7a00 | RGB(255, 122, 0) | Heat Wave | — | |
#3c5e95 | RGB(60, 94, 149) | Portuguese Blue | — | |
#14a3c7 | RGB(20, 163, 199) | Cyan Blue | — | |
#c5a193 | RGB(197, 161, 147) | Mahogany Rose | — | |
#ec9abe | RGB(236, 154, 190) | Begonia Pink | — | |
#d3d5d3 | RGB(211, 213, 211) | Reflection | — | |
#c2e3e8 | RGB(194, 227, 232) | Light Skyway | — | |
#d8dadb | RGB(216, 218, 219) | Silver Setting | — | |
#fdf5ca | RGB(253, 245, 202) | Pure Laughter | — | |
#e1f2f0 | RGB(225, 242, 240) | Bone-Chilling | — |
Color Palette Contrast
48 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ff1414 | #706041 | 1.55 |
#ff1414 | #b95e33 | 1.13 |
#ff1414 | #e35401 | 1.03 |
#ff1414 | #ff7a00 | 1.49 |
#ff1414 | #3c5e95 | 1.66 |
#ff1414 | #14a3c7 | 1.32 |