Created at 10/15/2024 22:26

Maple View, Manticore Brown, Muted Green, Bright Lime, Kendal Green, Opal Violet, Oxford Blue, Newport Indigo, Langdon Dove, Pract

Maple View
Manticore Brown
Muted Green
Bright Lime
Kendal Green
Opal Violet
Oxford Blue
Newport Indigo
Langdon Dove
Practical Beige
Silver Mine
Wild Orchid Blue
Salmon Tartare
Purple Purity
Spinning Silk
Homeopathic Blue
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The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Oxford Blue #002147 and Salmon Tartare #ff9baa. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Maple View, Manticore Brown, Muted Green, Bright Lime, Kendal Green, Opal Violet, Oxford Blue, Newport Indigo, Langdon Dove, Pract has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #b49161, RGB: (180, 145, 97); HEX: #957840, RGB: (149, 120, 64); HEX: #5fa052, RGB: (95, 160, 82)
HEX: #87fd05, RGB: (135, 253, 5); HEX: #547867, RGB: (84, 120, 103); HEX: #7e8fbb, RGB: (126, 143, 187)
HEX: #002147, RGB: (0, 33, 71); HEX: #313d6c, RGB: (49, 61, 108); HEX: #b5ab9a, RGB: (181, 171, 154)
HEX: #c9b29c, RGB: (201, 178, 156); HEX: #bec2c1, RGB: (190, 194, 193); HEX: #b4b6da, RGB: (180, 182, 218)
HEX: #e2c8b7, RGB: (226, 200, 183); HEX: #ff9baa, RGB: (255, 155, 170); HEX: #c9c6df, RGB: (201, 198, 223)
HEX: #f3ddbc, RGB: (243, 221, 188); HEX: #dbe7e3, RGB: (219, 231, 227)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of peru, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Tint of mediumseagreen, Shade of chartreuse, Shade of Teal, Tint of cornflowerblue, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of tan, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of lightpink, Tint of lavender, Tint of bisque, Tint of mintcream
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Maple View, Manticore Brown, Muted Green, Bright Lime, Kendal Green, Opal Violet, Oxford Blue, Newport Indigo, Langdon Dove, Pract color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b49161 RGB(180, 145, 97)Maple View
#957840 RGB(149, 120, 64)Manticore Brown
#5fa052 RGB(95, 160, 82)Muted GreenMuted green
#87fd05 RGB(135, 253, 5)Bright LimeBright lime
#547867 RGB(84, 120, 103)Kendal Green
#7e8fbb RGB(126, 143, 187)Opal Violet
#002147 RGB(0, 33, 71)Oxford Blue
#313d6c RGB(49, 61, 108)Newport Indigo
#b5ab9a RGB(181, 171, 154)Langdon Dove
#c9b29c RGB(201, 178, 156)Practical Beige
#bec2c1 RGB(190, 194, 193)Silver Mine
#b4b6da RGB(180, 182, 218)Wild Orchid Blue
#e2c8b7 RGB(226, 200, 183)Ellen
#ff9baa RGB(255, 155, 170)Salmon TartareSalmon
#c9c6df RGB(201, 198, 223)Purple Purity
#f3ddbc RGB(243, 221, 188)Spinning Silk
#dbe7e3 RGB(219, 231, 227)Homeopathic Blue

Color Palette Contrast

77 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Maple View, Manticore Brown, Muted Green, Bright Lime, Kendal Green, Opal Violet, Oxford Blue, Newport Indigo, Langdon Dove, Pract png

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