Created at 10/17/2024 10:05

Ruddy, Venetian Gold, Glowing Brake Disc, Brown, Asian Violet, Lake Water, Sepia Tone, Kaleidoscope, Sand Verbena, Polar Mist, Sun

Venetian Gold
Glowing Brake Disc
Asian Violet
Lake Water
Sepia Tone
Sand Verbena
Polar Mist
Bright Clove
Sweety Pie
Stucco Tan
Gorgeous White
Go Go Pink
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Ruddy #ff0028 and Kaleidoscope #8da8be. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Ruddy, Venetian Gold, Glowing Brake Disc, Brown, Asian Violet, Lake Water, Sepia Tone, Kaleidoscope, Sand Verbena, Polar Mist, Sun has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #ff0028, RGB: (255, 0, 40); HEX: #b39142, RGB: (179, 145, 66); HEX: #ee4444, RGB: (238, 68, 68)
HEX: #653700, RGB: (101, 55, 0); HEX: #8b818c, RGB: (139, 129, 140); HEX: #86aba5, RGB: (134, 171, 165)
HEX: #b8a88a, RGB: (184, 168, 138); HEX: #8da8be, RGB: (141, 168, 190); HEX: #9f90c1, RGB: (159, 144, 193)
HEX: #adafbd, RGB: (173, 175, 189); HEX: #d9b19f, RGB: (217, 177, 159); HEX: #efcf9b, RGB: (239, 207, 155)
HEX: #e7cee3, RGB: (231, 206, 227); HEX: #e8dece, RGB: (232, 222, 206); HEX: #e7dbd3, RGB: (231, 219, 211)
HEX: #fdd8d4, RGB: (253, 216, 212)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of indianred, Tint of saddlebrown, Shade of Grey, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of tan, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of plum, Shade of darkgrey, Shade of tan, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of thistle, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of linen, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

Ruddy, Venetian Gold, Glowing Brake Disc, Brown, Asian Violet, Lake Water, Sepia Tone, Kaleidoscope, Sand Verbena, Polar Mist, Sun color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ff0028 RGB(255, 0, 40)Ruddy
#b39142 RGB(179, 145, 66)Venetian Gold
#ee4444 RGB(238, 68, 68)Glowing Brake Disc
#653700 RGB(101, 55, 0)Brown
#8b818c RGB(139, 129, 140)Asian Violet
#86aba5 RGB(134, 171, 165)Lake Water
#b8a88a RGB(184, 168, 138)Sepia Tone
#8da8be RGB(141, 168, 190)Kaleidoscope
#9f90c1 RGB(159, 144, 193)Sand Verbena
#adafbd RGB(173, 175, 189)Polar Mist
#d9b19f RGB(217, 177, 159)Suntan
#efcf9b RGB(239, 207, 155)Bright Clove
#e7cee3 RGB(231, 206, 227)Sweety Pie
#e8dece RGB(232, 222, 206)Stucco Tan
#e7dbd3 RGB(231, 219, 211)Gorgeous White
#fdd8d4 RGB(253, 216, 212)Go Go Pink

Color Palette Contrast

82 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Ruddy, Venetian Gold, Glowing Brake Disc, Brown, Asian Violet, Lake Water, Sepia Tone, Kaleidoscope, Sand Verbena, Polar Mist, Sun png

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