Created at 10/20/2024 20:30
Philippine Red, Deep Tan, Red Clover, Gold Torch, Bronzed Orange, Groovy Giraffe, Camellia Pink, Punga, Blackberry Tart, Tawny Mus
Philippine Red
Deep Tan
Red Clover
Gold Torch
Bronzed Orange
Groovy Giraffe
Camellia Pink
Blackberry Tart
Tawny Mushroom
Exclusive Violet
Exotic Escape
Spirited Green
Tender Touch
Budding Peach
Frosty White Blue
Puffy Pillow
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Groovy Giraffe #eeaa11 and Exotic Escape #96d9df. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Philippine Red, Deep Tan, Red Clover, Gold Torch, Bronzed Orange, Groovy Giraffe, Camellia Pink, Punga, Blackberry Tart, Tawny Mus has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #ce1127, RGB: (206, 17, 39); HEX: #726751, RGB: (114, 103, 81); HEX: #bb8580, RGB: (187, 133, 128)
HEX: #bd955e, RGB: (189, 149, 94); HEX: #d78a6c, RGB: (215, 138, 108); HEX: #eeaa11, RGB: (238, 170, 17)
HEX: #cd739d, RGB: (205, 115, 157); HEX: #534931, RGB: (83, 73, 49); HEX: #563342, RGB: (86, 51, 66)
HEX: #b39997, RGB: (179, 153, 151); HEX: #b9adbb, RGB: (185, 173, 187); HEX: #96d9df, RGB: (150, 217, 223)
HEX: #bddec7, RGB: (189, 222, 199); HEX: #d5c6d6, RGB: (213, 198, 214); HEX: #f3d4bf, RGB: (243, 212, 191)
HEX: #cce9e4, RGB: (204, 233, 228); HEX: #e8e5de, RGB: (232, 229, 222)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of crimson, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of rosybrown, Shade of peru, Tint of darksalmon, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of palevioletred, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Purple, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of thistle, Tint of powderblue, Tint of honeydew, Shade of thistle, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by colorslib
Colors codes in palette
Philippine Red, Deep Tan, Red Clover, Gold Torch, Bronzed Orange, Groovy Giraffe, Camellia Pink, Punga, Blackberry Tart, Tawny Mus color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ce1127 | RGB(206, 17, 39) | Philippine Red | — | |
#726751 | RGB(114, 103, 81) | Deep Tan | — | |
#bb8580 | RGB(187, 133, 128) | Red Clover | — | |
#bd955e | RGB(189, 149, 94) | Gold Torch | — | |
#d78a6c | RGB(215, 138, 108) | Bronzed Orange | — | |
#eeaa11 | RGB(238, 170, 17) | Groovy Giraffe | — | |
#cd739d | RGB(205, 115, 157) | Camellia Pink | — | |
#534931 | RGB(83, 73, 49) | Punga | — | |
#563342 | RGB(86, 51, 66) | Blackberry Tart | — | |
#b39997 | RGB(179, 153, 151) | Tawny Mushroom | — | |
#b9adbb | RGB(185, 173, 187) | Exclusive Violet | — | |
#96d9df | RGB(150, 217, 223) | Exotic Escape | — | |
#bddec7 | RGB(189, 222, 199) | Spirited Green | — | |
#d5c6d6 | RGB(213, 198, 214) | Tender Touch | — | |
#f3d4bf | RGB(243, 212, 191) | Budding Peach | — | |
#cce9e4 | RGB(204, 233, 228) | Frosty White Blue | — | |
#e8e5de | RGB(232, 229, 222) | Puffy Pillow | — |
Color Palette Contrast
73 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ce1127 | #726751 | 1.01 |
#ce1127 | #bb8580 | 1.81 |
#ce1127 | #cd739d | 1.75 |
#ce1127 | #534931 | 1.57 |
#ce1127 | #563342 | 1.91 |
#726751 | #bb8580 | 1.79 |