Created at 10/22/2024 15:05

Medium Carmine, C-3PO, Bleached Bark, Sorbus, Pyrite, Bright Yarrow, Boating Green, Flounce, Vice City, Gameboy Shade, Blue Steel,

Medium Carmine
Bleached Bark
Bright Yarrow
Boating Green
Vice City
Gameboy Shade
Blue Steel
Grape Creme
Pale Sienna
Pineapple Soda
Lime Juice
Veiling Waterfalls
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The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Bright Yarrow #face6d and Veiling Waterfalls #d4eaff. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Medium Carmine, C-3PO, Bleached Bark, Sorbus, Pyrite, Bright Yarrow, Boating Green, Flounce, Vice City, Gameboy Shade, Blue Steel, has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #af4035, RGB: (175, 64, 53); HEX: #c33140, RGB: (195, 49, 64); HEX: #8b7f78, RGB: (139, 127, 120)
HEX: #dd6b38, RGB: (221, 107, 56); HEX: #f8c642, RGB: (248, 198, 66); HEX: #face6d, RGB: (250, 206, 109)
HEX: #087170, RGB: (8, 113, 112); HEX: #4a8791, RGB: (74, 135, 145); HEX: #ee00dd, RGB: (238, 0, 221)
HEX: #306230, RGB: (48, 98, 48); HEX: #535a61, RGB: (83, 90, 97); HEX: #c4b5a4, RGB: (196, 181, 164)
HEX: #bebbbb, RGB: (190, 187, 187); HEX: #dfc7bc, RGB: (223, 199, 188); HEX: #e4e5ce, RGB: (228, 229, 206)
HEX: #e7e4d3, RGB: (231, 228, 211); HEX: #d4eaff, RGB: (212, 234, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of crimson, Shade of Grey, Shade of chocolate, Tint of gold, Shade of gold, Tint of Teal, Shade of darkcyan, Tint of magenta, Shade of darkgreen, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of tan, Tint of Silver, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of beige, Tint of beige, Tint of aliceblue
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Medium Carmine, C-3PO, Bleached Bark, Sorbus, Pyrite, Bright Yarrow, Boating Green, Flounce, Vice City, Gameboy Shade, Blue Steel, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#af4035 RGB(175, 64, 53)Medium Carmine
#c33140 RGB(195, 49, 64)C-3PO
#8b7f78 RGB(139, 127, 120)Bleached Bark
#dd6b38 RGB(221, 107, 56)Sorbus
#f8c642 RGB(248, 198, 66)Pyrite
#face6d RGB(250, 206, 109)Bright Yarrow
#087170 RGB(8, 113, 112)Boating Green
#4a8791 RGB(74, 135, 145)Flounce
#ee00dd RGB(238, 0, 221)Vice City
#306230 RGB(48, 98, 48)Gameboy Shade
#535a61 RGB(83, 90, 97)Blue Steel
#c4b5a4 RGB(196, 181, 164)Esoteric
#bebbbb RGB(190, 187, 187)Grape Creme
#dfc7bc RGB(223, 199, 188)Pale Sienna
#e4e5ce RGB(228, 229, 206)Pineapple Soda
#e7e4d3 RGB(231, 228, 211)Lime Juice
#d4eaff RGB(212, 234, 255)Veiling Waterfalls

Color Palette Contrast

67 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Medium Carmine, C-3PO, Bleached Bark, Sorbus, Pyrite, Bright Yarrow, Boating Green, Flounce, Vice City, Gameboy Shade, Blue Steel, png

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