Created at 10/27/2024 13:15

Ending Autumn, Cloudy Cinnamon, Lamplit, Mimolette Orange, Badlands Orange, Summer Orange, Sunny Mood, Key Lime Pie, Parachuting,

Ending Autumn
Cloudy Cinnamon
Mimolette Orange
Badlands Orange
Summer Orange
Sunny Mood
Key Lime Pie
Blue Angel
Classical White
Blonde Shell
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Parachuting #00589b and Custard #fffd78. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Ending Autumn, Cloudy Cinnamon, Lamplit, Mimolette Orange, Badlands Orange, Summer Orange, Sunny Mood, Key Lime Pie, Parachuting, has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #8b6f64, RGB: (139, 111, 100); HEX: #87715f, RGB: (135, 113, 95); HEX: #e4af65, RGB: (228, 175, 101)
HEX: #ee8811, RGB: (238, 136, 17); HEX: #ff6316, RGB: (255, 99, 22); HEX: #ffb653, RGB: (255, 182, 83)
HEX: #f7c84a, RGB: (247, 200, 74); HEX: #bfc921, RGB: (191, 201, 33); HEX: #00589b, RGB: (0, 88, 155)
HEX: #0022dd, RGB: (0, 34, 221); HEX: #724aa1, RGB: (114, 74, 161); HEX: #463732, RGB: (70, 55, 50)
HEX: #fffd78, RGB: (255, 253, 120); HEX: #aba9d2, RGB: (171, 169, 210); HEX: #d3c1cb, RGB: (211, 193, 203)
HEX: #ece1cb, RGB: (236, 225, 203); HEX: #f6edcd, RGB: (246, 237, 205)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of burlywood, Tint of darkorange, Shade of orangered, Shade of Orange, Tint of gold, Shade of Yellowgreen, Tint of royalblue, Shade of Blue, Tint of slateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Yellow, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of thistle, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Ending Autumn, Cloudy Cinnamon, Lamplit, Mimolette Orange, Badlands Orange, Summer Orange, Sunny Mood, Key Lime Pie, Parachuting, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#8b6f64 RGB(139, 111, 100)Ending Autumn
#87715f RGB(135, 113, 95)Cloudy Cinnamon
#e4af65 RGB(228, 175, 101)Lamplit
#ee8811 RGB(238, 136, 17)Mimolette Orange
#ff6316 RGB(255, 99, 22)Badlands Orange
#ffb653 RGB(255, 182, 83)Summer OrangeYellow Orange
#f7c84a RGB(247, 200, 74)Sunny Mood
#bfc921 RGB(191, 201, 33)Key Lime Pie
#00589b RGB(0, 88, 155)Parachuting
#0022dd RGB(0, 34, 221)Blue Angel
#724aa1 RGB(114, 74, 161)Studio
#463732 RGB(70, 55, 50)Americano
#fffd78 RGB(255, 253, 120)Custard
#aba9d2 RGB(171, 169, 210)Monastic
#d3c1cb RGB(211, 193, 203)Bassinet
#ece1cb RGB(236, 225, 203)Classical White
#f6edcd RGB(246, 237, 205)Blonde Shell

Color Palette Contrast

64 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Ending Autumn, Cloudy Cinnamon, Lamplit, Mimolette Orange, Badlands Orange, Summer Orange, Sunny Mood, Key Lime Pie, Parachuting, png

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