Created at 10/29/2024 12:35

Burnside, Tamarama, Poppy Pompadour, Magento, Anthracite Red, Spring Leaves, Growing Season, Birthday Suit, Light Pistachio Tang,

Poppy Pompadour
Anthracite Red
Spring Leaves
Growing Season
Birthday Suit
Light Pistachio Tang
Pearl Lusta
Endless Sky
Cactus Blossom
Chess Ivory
Supernova Residues
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Tamarama #11ddee and Chess Ivory #ffe9c5. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Burnside, Tamarama, Poppy Pompadour, Magento, Anthracite Red, Spring Leaves, Growing Season, Birthday Suit, Light Pistachio Tang, has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #d0a664, RGB: (208, 166, 100); HEX: #11ddee, RGB: (17, 221, 238); HEX: #6b3fa0, RGB: (107, 63, 160)
HEX: #bf3cff, RGB: (191, 60, 255); HEX: #73293b, RGB: (115, 41, 59); HEX: #a8c3aa, RGB: (168, 195, 170)
HEX: #c3cdb0, RGB: (195, 205, 176); HEX: #e2c7b6, RGB: (226, 199, 182); HEX: #e2dec8, RGB: (226, 222, 200)
HEX: #eae1c8, RGB: (234, 225, 200); HEX: #cae3ea, RGB: (202, 227, 234); HEX: #d8e5dd, RGB: (216, 229, 221)
HEX: #ffe9c5, RGB: (255, 233, 197); HEX: #d9ece9, RGB: (217, 236, 233)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of burlywood, Shade of darkturquoise, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of mediumorchid, Tint of brown, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of beige, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of beige, Tint of papayawhip, Shade of lightblue, Tint of mintcream, Tint of blanchedalmond, Tint of azure
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Burnside, Tamarama, Poppy Pompadour, Magento, Anthracite Red, Spring Leaves, Growing Season, Birthday Suit, Light Pistachio Tang, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#d0a664 RGB(208, 166, 100)Burnside
#11ddee RGB(17, 221, 238)Tamarama
#6b3fa0 RGB(107, 63, 160)Poppy Pompadour
#bf3cff RGB(191, 60, 255)Magento
#73293b RGB(115, 41, 59)Anthracite Red
#a8c3aa RGB(168, 195, 170)Spring Leaves
#c3cdb0 RGB(195, 205, 176)Growing Season
#e2c7b6 RGB(226, 199, 182)Birthday Suit
#e2dec8 RGB(226, 222, 200)Light Pistachio Tang
#eae1c8 RGB(234, 225, 200)Pearl Lusta
#cae3ea RGB(202, 227, 234)Endless Sky
#d8e5dd RGB(216, 229, 221)Cactus Blossom
#ffe9c5 RGB(255, 233, 197)Chess Ivory
#d9ece9 RGB(217, 236, 233)Supernova Residues

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Burnside, Tamarama, Poppy Pompadour, Magento, Anthracite Red, Spring Leaves, Growing Season, Birthday Suit, Light Pistachio Tang, png

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