Created at 11/10/2024 11:34

Garden Gnome Red, OU Crimson Red, Zandri Dust, Nurgle's Rot, Crop Circle, Pastel Orange, Goblin Green, Iris, Philippine Violet, Bl

Garden Gnome Red
OU Crimson Red
Zandri Dust
Nurgle's Rot
Crop Circle
Pastel Orange
Goblin Green
Philippine Violet
Bloody Pico-8
Charred Chocolate
Salem Black
Whisper Ridge
Lily Pond
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Goblin Green #76ff7a and Bloody Pico-8 #ff004d. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Garden Gnome Red, OU Crimson Red, Zandri Dust, Nurgle's Rot, Crop Circle, Pastel Orange, Goblin Green, Iris, Philippine Violet, Bl has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #9b2002, RGB: (155, 32, 2); HEX: #990000, RGB: (153, 0, 0); HEX: #a39a61, RGB: (163, 154, 97)
HEX: #9b8f22, RGB: (155, 143, 34); HEX: #e9bf63, RGB: (233, 191, 99); HEX: #ff964f, RGB: (255, 150, 79)
HEX: #76ff7a, RGB: (118, 255, 122); HEX: #5a4fcf, RGB: (90, 79, 207); HEX: #81007f, RGB: (129, 0, 127)
HEX: #ff004d, RGB: (255, 0, 77); HEX: #232e26, RGB: (35, 46, 38); HEX: #553b3d, RGB: (85, 59, 61)
HEX: #45494d, RGB: (69, 73, 77); HEX: #c9c3b5, RGB: (201, 195, 181); HEX: #d6d1c8, RGB: (214, 209, 200)
HEX: #deead8, RGB: (222, 234, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Shade of darkred, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of Olive, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of sandybrown, Tint of palegreen, Tint of slateblue, Shade of Purple, Shade of crimson, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Garden Gnome Red, OU Crimson Red, Zandri Dust, Nurgle's Rot, Crop Circle, Pastel Orange, Goblin Green, Iris, Philippine Violet, Bl color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9b2002 RGB(155, 32, 2)Garden Gnome Red
#990000 RGB(153, 0, 0)OU Crimson Red
#a39a61 RGB(163, 154, 97)Zandri Dust
#9b8f22 RGB(155, 143, 34)Nurgle's Rot
#e9bf63 RGB(233, 191, 99)Crop Circle
#ff964f RGB(255, 150, 79)Pastel OrangePastel orange
#76ff7a RGB(118, 255, 122)Goblin GreenScreamin Green
#5a4fcf RGB(90, 79, 207)Iris
#81007f RGB(129, 0, 127)Philippine Violet
#ff004d RGB(255, 0, 77)Bloody Pico-8
#232e26 RGB(35, 46, 38)Quartzite
#553b3d RGB(85, 59, 61)Charred Chocolate
#45494d RGB(69, 73, 77)Salem Black
#c9c3b5 RGB(201, 195, 181)Whisper Ridge
#d6d1c8 RGB(214, 209, 200)Bowstring
#deead8 RGB(222, 234, 216)Lily Pond

Color Palette Contrast

48 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Garden Gnome Red, OU Crimson Red, Zandri Dust, Nurgle's Rot, Crop Circle, Pastel Orange, Goblin Green, Iris, Philippine Violet, Bl png

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