Created at 11/10/2024 17:36

Jarrah, Chartreuse Shot, Oregano Green, Mustard Green, Sultry Smoke, Velvet Cupcake, Liberty Blue, Herbal Wash, Aged Pink palette

Chartreuse Shot
Oregano Green
Mustard Green
Sultry Smoke
Velvet Cupcake
Liberty Blue
Herbal Wash
Aged Pink
Mother of Pearl
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Chartreuse Shot #dad000 and Liberty Blue #0e1531. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Jarrah, Chartreuse Shot, Oregano Green, Mustard Green, Sultry Smoke, Velvet Cupcake, Liberty Blue, Herbal Wash, Aged Pink palette has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #827058, RGB: (130, 112, 88); HEX: #dad000, RGB: (218, 208, 0); HEX: #4da241, RGB: (77, 162, 65)
HEX: #a8b504, RGB: (168, 181, 4); HEX: #73696f, RGB: (115, 105, 111); HEX: #aa0066, RGB: (170, 0, 102)
HEX: #0e1531, RGB: (14, 21, 49); HEX: #a49b82, RGB: (164, 155, 130); HEX: #c99f99, RGB: (201, 159, 153)
HEX: #f8ea97, RGB: (248, 234, 151); HEX: #e9d4c3, RGB: (233, 212, 195)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Tint of gold, Shade of forestgreen, Tint of Yellowgreen, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of Khaki, Tint of peachpuff
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Jarrah, Chartreuse Shot, Oregano Green, Mustard Green, Sultry Smoke, Velvet Cupcake, Liberty Blue, Herbal Wash, Aged Pink palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#827058 RGB(130, 112, 88)Jarrah
#dad000 RGB(218, 208, 0)Chartreuse Shot
#4da241 RGB(77, 162, 65)Oregano Green
#a8b504 RGB(168, 181, 4)Mustard GreenMustard green
#73696f RGB(115, 105, 111)Sultry Smoke
#aa0066 RGB(170, 0, 102)Velvet Cupcake
#0e1531 RGB(14, 21, 49)Liberty Blue
#a49b82 RGB(164, 155, 130)Herbal Wash
#c99f99 RGB(201, 159, 153)Aged Pink
#f8ea97 RGB(248, 234, 151)Picasso
#e9d4c3 RGB(233, 212, 195)Mother of Pearl

Color Palette Contrast

25 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Jarrah, Chartreuse Shot, Oregano Green, Mustard Green, Sultry Smoke, Velvet Cupcake, Liberty Blue, Herbal Wash, Aged Pink palette png