Created at 12/27/2023 21:09

Jarrah, Sohi Red, Chinese Goldfish, Flush Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Dazzle, Strong Blue, Ruthless Empress, Havana, Seaworld, Dolph

Sohi Red
Chinese Goldfish
Flush Orange
Sizzling Sunrise
Strong Blue
Ruthless Empress
Dolphin Blue
Eggshell Pongee
Artful Aqua
Iron Wood
Desert Camel
Desert Bud
Kangaroo Fur
Fly Away
Coral Corn Snake
Offshore Mist
Antique Ivory
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The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Sizzling Sunrise #ffdb00 and Contrail #dedeff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Jarrah, Sohi Red, Chinese Goldfish, Flush Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Dazzle, Strong Blue, Ruthless Empress, Havana, Seaworld, Dolph has combination of 24 codes colors:
HEX: #827058, RGB: (130, 112, 88); HEX: #e35c38, RGB: (227, 92, 56); HEX: #f34723, RGB: (243, 71, 35)
HEX: #ff6f01, RGB: (255, 111, 1); HEX: #ffdb00, RGB: (255, 219, 0); HEX: #5287b9, RGB: (82, 135, 185)
HEX: #0c06f7, RGB: (12, 6, 247); HEX: #573894, RGB: (87, 56, 148); HEX: #3b2b2c, RGB: (59, 43, 44)
HEX: #125459, RGB: (18, 84, 89); HEX: #7d9da9, RGB: (125, 157, 169); HEX: #bea582, RGB: (190, 165, 130)
HEX: #91b4b3, RGB: (145, 180, 179); HEX: #a0a6a8, RGB: (160, 166, 168); HEX: #c2ae88, RGB: (194, 174, 136)
HEX: #c28996, RGB: (194, 137, 150); HEX: #c4ad92, RGB: (196, 173, 146); HEX: #98d98e, RGB: (152, 217, 142)
HEX: #b6b8b0, RGB: (182, 184, 176); HEX: #85b3f3, RGB: (133, 179, 243); HEX: #e9adca, RGB: (233, 173, 202)
HEX: #cad8d8, RGB: (202, 216, 216); HEX: #f9ecd3, RGB: (249, 236, 211); HEX: #dedeff, RGB: (222, 222, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Tint of tomato, Shade of orangered, Shade of chocolate, Shade of gold, Shade of steelblue, Shade of Blue, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of tan, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of tan, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of tan, Tint of lightgreen, Tint of Silver, Shade of cornflowerblue, Tint of Pink, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of papayawhip, Tint of lavender
Color scheme was created by raccoon

Colors codes in palette

Jarrah, Sohi Red, Chinese Goldfish, Flush Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Dazzle, Strong Blue, Ruthless Empress, Havana, Seaworld, Dolph color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#827058 RGB(130, 112, 88)Jarrah
#e35c38 RGB(227, 92, 56)Sohi Red
#f34723 RGB(243, 71, 35)Chinese Goldfish
#ff6f01 RGB(255, 111, 1)Flush Orange
#ffdb00 RGB(255, 219, 0)Sizzling Sunrise
#5287b9 RGB(82, 135, 185)Dazzle
#0c06f7 RGB(12, 6, 247)Strong BlueStrong blue
#573894 RGB(87, 56, 148)Ruthless Empress
#3b2b2c RGB(59, 43, 44)Havana
#125459 RGB(18, 84, 89)Seaworld
#7d9da9 RGB(125, 157, 169)Dolphin Blue
#bea582 RGB(190, 165, 130)Eggshell Pongee
#91b4b3 RGB(145, 180, 179)Artful Aqua
#a0a6a8 RGB(160, 166, 168)Iron Wood
#c2ae88 RGB(194, 174, 136)Desert Camel
#c28996 RGB(194, 137, 150)Desert Bud
#c4ad92 RGB(196, 173, 146)Kangaroo Fur
#98d98e RGB(152, 217, 142)Leek
#b6b8b0 RGB(182, 184, 176)Fossilized
#85b3f3 RGB(133, 179, 243)Fly Away
#e9adca RGB(233, 173, 202)Coral Corn Snake
#cad8d8 RGB(202, 216, 216)Offshore Mist
#f9ecd3 RGB(249, 236, 211)Antique Ivory
#dedeff RGB(222, 222, 255)Contrail

Color Palette Contrast

160 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Jarrah, Sohi Red, Chinese Goldfish, Flush Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Dazzle, Strong Blue, Ruthless Empress, Havana, Seaworld, Dolph png

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