Created at 11/13/2024 11:30

Partridge, Yucca, Gulfstream, Post It, Disco, Anubis Black, Bonsai Pot, Dreamy Pink, Antarctica, Monaco, Metal Spark, Pink Wink, C

Post It
Anubis Black
Bonsai Pot
Dreamy Pink
Metal Spark
Pink Wink
Country Dairy
Establish Mint
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Post It #0074b4 and Metal Spark #eeff99. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Partridge, Yucca, Gulfstream, Post It, Disco, Anubis Black, Bonsai Pot, Dreamy Pink, Antarctica, Monaco, Metal Spark, Pink Wink, C has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #844c44, RGB: (132, 76, 68); HEX: #75978f, RGB: (117, 151, 143); HEX: #01858b, RGB: (1, 133, 139)
HEX: #0074b4, RGB: (0, 116, 180); HEX: #892d4f, RGB: (137, 45, 79); HEX: #312231, RGB: (49, 34, 49)
HEX: #b8b19a, RGB: (184, 177, 154); HEX: #dfabcd, RGB: (223, 171, 205); HEX: #c6c5c6, RGB: (198, 197, 198)
HEX: #abd4e6, RGB: (171, 212, 230); HEX: #eeff99, RGB: (238, 255, 153); HEX: #ffaaee, RGB: (255, 170, 238)
HEX: #f1e9d2, RGB: (241, 233, 210); HEX: #e2eddd, RGB: (226, 237, 221); HEX: #f4ecda, RGB: (244, 236, 218)
HEX: #e9ece5, RGB: (233, 236, 229)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of darkcyan, Tint of steelblue, Tint of mediumvioletred, Shade of Black, Tint of tan, Shade of plum, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightblue, Shade of Khaki, Shade of plum, Tint of cornsilk, Tint of honeydew, Tint of oldlace, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Partridge, Yucca, Gulfstream, Post It, Disco, Anubis Black, Bonsai Pot, Dreamy Pink, Antarctica, Monaco, Metal Spark, Pink Wink, C color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#844c44 RGB(132, 76, 68)Partridge
#75978f RGB(117, 151, 143)Yucca
#01858b RGB(1, 133, 139)Gulfstream
#0074b4 RGB(0, 116, 180)Post It
#892d4f RGB(137, 45, 79)Disco
#312231 RGB(49, 34, 49)Anubis Black
#b8b19a RGB(184, 177, 154)Bonsai Pot
#dfabcd RGB(223, 171, 205)Dreamy Pink
#c6c5c6 RGB(198, 197, 198)Antarctica
#abd4e6 RGB(171, 212, 230)Monaco
#eeff99 RGB(238, 255, 153)Metal Spark
#ffaaee RGB(255, 170, 238)Pink Wink
#f1e9d2 RGB(241, 233, 210)Country Dairy
#e2eddd RGB(226, 237, 221)Establish Mint
#f4ecda RGB(244, 236, 218)Confection
#e9ece5 RGB(233, 236, 229)Minimalistic

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Partridge, Yucca, Gulfstream, Post It, Disco, Anubis Black, Bonsai Pot, Dreamy Pink, Antarctica, Monaco, Metal Spark, Pink Wink, C png