Created at 11/13/2024 13:43

Leroy, Caramel Kiss, Flamboyant Teal, Hampton Surf, Raisin Black, Umber Brown, Oslo Grey, Mauve Musk, It's Your Mauve, Grey Ashlar

Caramel Kiss
Flamboyant Teal
Hampton Surf
Raisin Black
Umber Brown
Oslo Grey
Mauve Musk
It's Your Mauve
Grey Ashlar
Distant Homeworld
Ranier White
Alluring Light
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The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Flamboyant Teal #129c8b and Alluring Light #fff7d8. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Leroy, Caramel Kiss, Flamboyant Teal, Hampton Surf, Raisin Black, Umber Brown, Oslo Grey, Mauve Musk, It's Your Mauve, Grey Ashlar has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #71635a, RGB: (113, 99, 90); HEX: #b08a61, RGB: (176, 138, 97); HEX: #129c8b, RGB: (18, 156, 139)
HEX: #597681, RGB: (89, 118, 129); HEX: #242124, RGB: (36, 33, 36); HEX: #613936, RGB: (97, 57, 54)
HEX: #878d91, RGB: (135, 141, 145); HEX: #a98ca1, RGB: (169, 140, 161); HEX: #bc989e, RGB: (188, 152, 158)
HEX: #cabab1, RGB: (202, 186, 177); HEX: #acdcee, RGB: (172, 220, 238); HEX: #ebeadc, RGB: (235, 234, 220)
HEX: #f7ecd8, RGB: (247, 236, 216); HEX: #fff7d8, RGB: (255, 247, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of dimgrey, Tint of peru, Tint of lightseagreen, Tint of slategrey, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Grey, Tint of rosybrown, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of Silver, Shade of lightblue, Tint of oldlace, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Leroy, Caramel Kiss, Flamboyant Teal, Hampton Surf, Raisin Black, Umber Brown, Oslo Grey, Mauve Musk, It's Your Mauve, Grey Ashlar color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#71635a RGB(113, 99, 90)Leroy
#b08a61 RGB(176, 138, 97)Caramel Kiss
#129c8b RGB(18, 156, 139)Flamboyant Teal
#597681 RGB(89, 118, 129)Hampton Surf
#242124 RGB(36, 33, 36)Raisin Black
#613936 RGB(97, 57, 54)Umber Brown
#878d91 RGB(135, 141, 145)Oslo Grey
#a98ca1 RGB(169, 140, 161)Mauve Musk
#bc989e RGB(188, 152, 158)It's Your Mauve
#cabab1 RGB(202, 186, 177)Grey Ashlar
#acdcee RGB(172, 220, 238)Distant Homeworld
#ebeadc RGB(235, 234, 220)Salted
#f7ecd8 RGB(247, 236, 216)Ranier White
#fff7d8 RGB(255, 247, 216)Alluring Light

Color Palette Contrast

38 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Leroy, Caramel Kiss, Flamboyant Teal, Hampton Surf, Raisin Black, Umber Brown, Oslo Grey, Mauve Musk, It's Your Mauve, Grey Ashlar png

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