Created at 11/13/2024 14:58
Chrysocolla Green, Blue Martina, Berwick Berry, Dickie Bird, Dull Purple, Twilight Lavender, Byzantine, Black Wash, Black Blueberr
Chrysocolla Green
Blue Martina
Berwick Berry
Dickie Bird
Dull Purple
Twilight Lavender
Black Wash
Black Blueberry
Dapple Grey
Sweet Angelica
Moon Goddess
Stardust Ballroom
Mǔ Lì Bái Oyster
Unicorn Silver
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Blue Martina #1fcecb and Sweet Angelica #e8d08e. Palette has Cool, Neutral, Warm colors temperature.
Palette Chrysocolla Green, Blue Martina, Berwick Berry, Dickie Bird, Dull Purple, Twilight Lavender, Byzantine, Black Wash, Black Blueberr has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #378661, RGB: (55, 134, 97); HEX: #1fcecb, RGB: (31, 206, 203); HEX: #7082a4, RGB: (112, 130, 164)
HEX: #60b8be, RGB: (96, 184, 190); HEX: #84597e, RGB: (132, 89, 126); HEX: #8a496b, RGB: (138, 73, 107)
HEX: #bd33a4, RGB: (189, 51, 164); HEX: #0c0c0c, RGB: (12, 12, 12); HEX: #2f2f48, RGB: (47, 47, 72)
HEX: #959486, RGB: (149, 148, 134); HEX: #bebf84, RGB: (190, 191, 132); HEX: #e8d08e, RGB: (232, 208, 142)
HEX: #cfc7d5, RGB: (207, 199, 213); HEX: #dacfd4, RGB: (218, 207, 212); HEX: #f1f2d3, RGB: (241, 242, 211)
HEX: #e8e8e8, RGB: (232, 232, 232)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of seashell, Tint of mediumturquoise, Shade of slategrey, Shade of darkturquoise, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of Grey, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of wheat, Shade of thistle, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of beige, Shade of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Chrysocolla Green, Blue Martina, Berwick Berry, Dickie Bird, Dull Purple, Twilight Lavender, Byzantine, Black Wash, Black Blueberr color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#378661 | RGB(55, 134, 97) | Chrysocolla Green | — | |
#1fcecb | RGB(31, 206, 203) | Blue Martina | Robin Egg Blue | |
#7082a4 | RGB(112, 130, 164) | Berwick Berry | — | |
#60b8be | RGB(96, 184, 190) | Dickie Bird | — | |
#84597e | RGB(132, 89, 126) | Dull Purple | Dull purple | |
#8a496b | RGB(138, 73, 107) | Twilight Lavender | — | |
#bd33a4 | RGB(189, 51, 164) | Byzantine | — | |
#0c0c0c | RGB(12, 12, 12) | Black Wash | — | |
#2f2f48 | RGB(47, 47, 72) | Black Blueberry | — | |
#959486 | RGB(149, 148, 134) | Dapple Grey | — | |
#bebf84 | RGB(190, 191, 132) | Pavilion | — | |
#e8d08e | RGB(232, 208, 142) | Sweet Angelica | — | |
#cfc7d5 | RGB(207, 199, 213) | Moon Goddess | — | |
#dacfd4 | RGB(218, 207, 212) | Stardust Ballroom | — | |
#f1f2d3 | RGB(241, 242, 211) | Mǔ Lì Bái Oyster | — | |
#e8e8e8 | RGB(232, 232, 232) | Unicorn Silver | Gray91 |
Color Palette Contrast
49 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#378661 | #7082a4 | 1.14 |
#378661 | #60b8be | 1.91 |
#378661 | #84597e | 1.27 |
#378661 | #8a496b | 1.46 |
#378661 | #bd33a4 | 1.13 |
#378661 | #959486 | 1.44 |