Created at 11/13/2024 15:40

Poppy Red, Greyish Brown, Gaboon Viper, Lothern Blue, Calgar Blue, Ambitious Rose, High Salute, Geode, Spiced Wine, Natural Bark,

Poppy Red
Greyish Brown
Gaboon Viper
Lothern Blue
Calgar Blue
Ambitious Rose
High Salute
Spiced Wine
Natural Bark
Gobi Tan
Silver Charm
Herbal Mist
Voracious White
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The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Calgar Blue #0485d1 and Voracious White #feeeed. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Poppy Red, Greyish Brown, Gaboon Viper, Lothern Blue, Calgar Blue, Ambitious Rose, High Salute, Geode, Spiced Wine, Natural Bark, has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #dc343b, RGB: (220, 52, 59); HEX: #7a6a4f, RGB: (122, 106, 79); HEX: #8c6450, RGB: (140, 100, 80)
HEX: #6699cc, RGB: (102, 153, 204); HEX: #0485d1, RGB: (4, 133, 209); HEX: #e9687e, RGB: (233, 104, 126)
HEX: #445056, RGB: (68, 80, 86); HEX: #4b3f69, RGB: (75, 63, 105); HEX: #664942, RGB: (102, 73, 66)
HEX: #6d574d, RGB: (109, 87, 77); HEX: #bba587, RGB: (187, 165, 135); HEX: #9892b8, RGB: (152, 146, 184)
HEX: #adb0b4, RGB: (173, 176, 180); HEX: #d2e6d3, RGB: (210, 230, 211); HEX: #feeeed, RGB: (254, 238, 237)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of crimson, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Tint of cornflowerblue, Tint of steelblue, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of tan, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of honeydew, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Poppy Red, Greyish Brown, Gaboon Viper, Lothern Blue, Calgar Blue, Ambitious Rose, High Salute, Geode, Spiced Wine, Natural Bark, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#dc343b RGB(220, 52, 59)Poppy Red
#7a6a4f RGB(122, 106, 79)Greyish BrownGreyish brown
#8c6450 RGB(140, 100, 80)Gaboon Viper
#6699cc RGB(102, 153, 204)Lothern Blue
#0485d1 RGB(4, 133, 209)Calgar BlueCerulean
#e9687e RGB(233, 104, 126)Ambitious Rose
#445056 RGB(68, 80, 86)High Salute
#4b3f69 RGB(75, 63, 105)Geode
#664942 RGB(102, 73, 66)Spiced Wine
#6d574d RGB(109, 87, 77)Natural Bark
#bba587 RGB(187, 165, 135)Gobi Tan
#9892b8 RGB(152, 146, 184)Indifferent
#adb0b4 RGB(173, 176, 180)Silver Charm
#d2e6d3 RGB(210, 230, 211)Herbal Mist
#feeeed RGB(254, 238, 237)Voracious White

Color Palette Contrast

53 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Poppy Red, Greyish Brown, Gaboon Viper, Lothern Blue, Calgar Blue, Ambitious Rose, High Salute, Geode, Spiced Wine, Natural Bark, png

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