Created at 11/19/2024 20:41

Kokoda, Fresh Cedar, Paella, Waywatcher Green, Salt Box Blue, Fuji Purple, Commodore, Mysterious, Mélange Green, Lilac Luster, Ali

Fresh Cedar
Waywatcher Green
Salt Box Blue
Fuji Purple
Mélange Green
Lilac Luster
Alien Breed
Frontier Fort
Golden Glow
Parisian Cashmere
Apple Core
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Waywatcher Green #99cc04 and Commodore #25476a. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Kokoda, Fresh Cedar, Paella, Waywatcher Green, Salt Box Blue, Fuji Purple, Commodore, Mysterious, Mélange Green, Lilac Luster, Ali has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #7b785a, RGB: (123, 120, 90); HEX: #a77f74, RGB: (167, 127, 116); HEX: #dcc61f, RGB: (220, 198, 31)
HEX: #99cc04, RGB: (153, 204, 4); HEX: #648fa4, RGB: (100, 143, 164); HEX: #89729e, RGB: (137, 114, 158)
HEX: #25476a, RGB: (37, 71, 106); HEX: #535e63, RGB: (83, 94, 99); HEX: #c4c476, RGB: (196, 196, 118)
HEX: #ae98aa, RGB: (174, 152, 170); HEX: #b9cc81, RGB: (185, 204, 129); HEX: #c3b19f, RGB: (195, 177, 159)
HEX: #f9d77e, RGB: (249, 215, 126); HEX: #d1c7b8, RGB: (209, 199, 184); HEX: #e8deda, RGB: (232, 222, 218)
HEX: #f5d6d8, RGB: (245, 214, 216); HEX: #f4eed8, RGB: (244, 238, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of gold, Tint of Yellowgreen, Tint of lightslategrey, Tint of mediumpurple, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of tan, Tint of Khaki, Shade of Silver, Tint of linen, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Kokoda, Fresh Cedar, Paella, Waywatcher Green, Salt Box Blue, Fuji Purple, Commodore, Mysterious, Mélange Green, Lilac Luster, Ali color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#7b785a RGB(123, 120, 90)Kokoda
#a77f74 RGB(167, 127, 116)Fresh Cedar
#dcc61f RGB(220, 198, 31)Paella
#99cc04 RGB(153, 204, 4)Waywatcher GreenSlime green
#648fa4 RGB(100, 143, 164)Salt Box Blue
#89729e RGB(137, 114, 158)Fuji Purple
#25476a RGB(37, 71, 106)Commodore
#535e63 RGB(83, 94, 99)Mysterious
#c4c476 RGB(196, 196, 118)Mélange Green
#ae98aa RGB(174, 152, 170)Lilac Luster
#b9cc81 RGB(185, 204, 129)Alien BreedPale olive
#c3b19f RGB(195, 177, 159)Frontier Fort
#f9d77e RGB(249, 215, 126)Golden Glow
#d1c7b8 RGB(209, 199, 184)Parisian Cashmere
#e8deda RGB(232, 222, 218)Memories
#f5d6d8 RGB(245, 214, 216)Redneck
#f4eed8 RGB(244, 238, 216)Apple Core

Color Palette Contrast

74 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Kokoda, Fresh Cedar, Paella, Waywatcher Green, Salt Box Blue, Fuji Purple, Commodore, Mysterious, Mélange Green, Lilac Luster, Ali png

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