Created at 11/21/2024 18:09

Cocoa Whip, Dark Orange, Dynasty Green, Bay Site, Peacock Plume, Old Lavender, Mystique Violet, Interface Tan, Island Oasis palett

Cocoa Whip
Dark Orange
Dynasty Green
Bay Site
Peacock Plume
Old Lavender
Mystique Violet
Interface Tan
Island Oasis
Craggy Skin
Distilled Watermelon
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Dark Orange #c65102 and Dynasty Green #008e80. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Cocoa Whip, Dark Orange, Dynasty Green, Bay Site, Peacock Plume, Old Lavender, Mystique Violet, Interface Tan, Island Oasis palett has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #a08e7e, RGB: (160, 142, 126); HEX: #c65102, RGB: (198, 81, 2); HEX: #008e80, RGB: (0, 142, 128)
HEX: #325f8a, RGB: (50, 95, 138); HEX: #206d71, RGB: (32, 109, 113); HEX: #796878, RGB: (121, 104, 120)
HEX: #723d5b, RGB: (114, 61, 91); HEX: #c1a392, RGB: (193, 163, 146); HEX: #88d9d8, RGB: (136, 217, 216)
HEX: #f7bd7b, RGB: (247, 189, 123); HEX: #ede3e0, RGB: (237, 227, 224)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Tint of chocolate, Shade of darkcyan, Tint of royalblue, Tint of Teal, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of Purple, Tint of tan, Tint of paleturquoise, Shade of burlywood, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

Cocoa Whip, Dark Orange, Dynasty Green, Bay Site, Peacock Plume, Old Lavender, Mystique Violet, Interface Tan, Island Oasis palett color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a08e7e RGB(160, 142, 126)Cocoa Whip
#c65102 RGB(198, 81, 2)Dark OrangeDark orange
#008e80 RGB(0, 142, 128)Dynasty Green
#325f8a RGB(50, 95, 138)Bay Site
#206d71 RGB(32, 109, 113)Peacock Plume
#796878 RGB(121, 104, 120)Old Lavender
#723d5b RGB(114, 61, 91)Mystique Violet
#c1a392 RGB(193, 163, 146)Interface Tan
#88d9d8 RGB(136, 217, 216)Island Oasis
#f7bd7b RGB(247, 189, 123)Craggy Skin
#ede3e0 RGB(237, 227, 224)Distilled Watermelon

Color Palette Contrast

29 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Cocoa Whip, Dark Orange, Dynasty Green, Bay Site, Peacock Plume, Old Lavender, Mystique Violet, Interface Tan, Island Oasis palett png