Created at 11/23/2024 17:33

Bestial Red, Carrot Orange, Vibrant Yellow, In the Tropics, Blue Square, Electric Violet, Pink Ping, Chert, Striking Red, Kōrozen,

Bestial Red
Carrot Orange
Vibrant Yellow
In the Tropics
Blue Square
Electric Violet
Pink Ping
Striking Red
Flamingo Pink
Opal Cream
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Blue Square #508a9a and Liveliness #ffdfb9. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Bestial Red, Carrot Orange, Vibrant Yellow, In the Tropics, Blue Square, Electric Violet, Pink Ping, Chert, Striking Red, Kōrozen, has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #992211, RGB: (153, 34, 17); HEX: #ed9121, RGB: (237, 145, 33); HEX: #ffda29, RGB: (255, 218, 41)
HEX: #a3bc3a, RGB: (163, 188, 58); HEX: #508a9a, RGB: (80, 138, 154); HEX: #8f00f1, RGB: (143, 0, 241)
HEX: #ee66ee, RGB: (238, 102, 238); HEX: #848182, RGB: (132, 129, 130); HEX: #c03543, RGB: (192, 53, 67)
HEX: #592b1f, RGB: (89, 43, 31); HEX: #fc8eac, RGB: (252, 142, 172); HEX: #ffdfb9, RGB: (255, 223, 185)
HEX: #fceece, RGB: (252, 238, 206)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Shade of darkorange, Shade of gold, Tint of Yellowgreen, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of blueviolet, Shade of orchid, Shade of Grey, Shade of crimson, Shade of Maroon, Shade of palevioletred, Tint of bisque, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Bestial Red, Carrot Orange, Vibrant Yellow, In the Tropics, Blue Square, Electric Violet, Pink Ping, Chert, Striking Red, Kōrozen, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#992211 RGB(153, 34, 17)Bestial Red
#ed9121 RGB(237, 145, 33)Carrot Orange
#ffda29 RGB(255, 218, 41)Vibrant Yellow
#a3bc3a RGB(163, 188, 58)In the Tropics
#508a9a RGB(80, 138, 154)Blue Square
#8f00f1 RGB(143, 0, 241)Electric Violet
#ee66ee RGB(238, 102, 238)Pink Ping
#848182 RGB(132, 129, 130)Chert
#c03543 RGB(192, 53, 67)Striking Red
#592b1f RGB(89, 43, 31)Kōrozen
#fc8eac RGB(252, 142, 172)Flamingo Pink
#ffdfb9 RGB(255, 223, 185)Liveliness
#fceece RGB(252, 238, 206)Opal Cream

Color Palette Contrast

36 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Bestial Red, Carrot Orange, Vibrant Yellow, In the Tropics, Blue Square, Electric Violet, Pink Ping, Chert, Striking Red, Kōrozen, png

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