Created at 11/25/2024 08:53

April Love, Forest Tent, Camel Brown, Blaze, Match Strike, Backyard, Cherry Paddle Pop, Green Kelp, Tin Man, Arctic Blue, Chamomil

April Love
Forest Tent
Camel Brown
Match Strike
Cherry Paddle Pop
Green Kelp
Tin Man
Arctic Blue
Sugar Shack
Cultured Pearl
Possibly Pink
Glamour White
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Arctic Blue #95d6dc and Glamour White #fffcec. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette April Love, Forest Tent, Camel Brown, Blaze, Match Strike, Backyard, Cherry Paddle Pop, Green Kelp, Tin Man, Arctic Blue, Chamomil has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #8b3d2f, RGB: (139, 61, 47); HEX: #bba748, RGB: (187, 167, 72); HEX: #a56639, RGB: (165, 102, 57)
HEX: #fa8c4f, RGB: (250, 140, 79); HEX: #ffaa44, RGB: (255, 170, 68); HEX: #879877, RGB: (135, 152, 119)
HEX: #fe314b, RGB: (254, 49, 75); HEX: #393d2a, RGB: (57, 61, 42); HEX: #a4a298, RGB: (164, 162, 152)
HEX: #95d6dc, RGB: (149, 214, 220); HEX: #e8d0a7, RGB: (232, 208, 167); HEX: #eed5b6, RGB: (238, 213, 182)
HEX: #e5dcd6, RGB: (229, 220, 214); HEX: #f3dace, RGB: (243, 218, 206); HEX: #fffcec, RGB: (255, 252, 236)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of sienna, Shade of coral, Shade of Orange, Tint of darkseagreen, Tint of indianred, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of powderblue, Tint of wheat, Tint of bisque, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of ivory
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

April Love, Forest Tent, Camel Brown, Blaze, Match Strike, Backyard, Cherry Paddle Pop, Green Kelp, Tin Man, Arctic Blue, Chamomil color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#8b3d2f RGB(139, 61, 47)April Love
#bba748 RGB(187, 167, 72)Forest Tent
#a56639 RGB(165, 102, 57)Camel Brown
#fa8c4f RGB(250, 140, 79)Blaze
#ffaa44 RGB(255, 170, 68)Match Strike
#879877 RGB(135, 152, 119)Backyard
#fe314b RGB(254, 49, 75)Cherry Paddle Pop
#393d2a RGB(57, 61, 42)Green Kelp
#a4a298 RGB(164, 162, 152)Tin Man
#95d6dc RGB(149, 214, 220)Arctic Blue
#e8d0a7 RGB(232, 208, 167)Chamomile
#eed5b6 RGB(238, 213, 182)Sugar Shack
#e5dcd6 RGB(229, 220, 214)Cultured Pearl
#f3dace RGB(243, 218, 206)Possibly Pink
#fffcec RGB(255, 252, 236)Glamour White

Color Palette Contrast

59 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette April Love, Forest Tent, Camel Brown, Blaze, Match Strike, Backyard, Cherry Paddle Pop, Green Kelp, Tin Man, Arctic Blue, Chamomil png

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