Created at 11/25/2024 15:52
Noble Red, Prickly Pear, Pool Tide, Green Tea Candy, Secrecy, City Hunter Blue, Purple Opulence, Rain Drum, Bear in Mind, Flowerin
Noble Red
Prickly Pear
Pool Tide
Green Tea Candy
City Hunter Blue
Purple Opulence
Rain Drum
Bear in Mind
Flowering Cactus
Reserved Beige
Happy Thoughts
Tulip White
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Noble Red #92181d and City Hunter Blue #0022aa. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Noble Red, Prickly Pear, Pool Tide, Green Tea Candy, Secrecy, City Hunter Blue, Purple Opulence, Rain Drum, Bear in Mind, Flowerin has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #92181d, RGB: (146, 24, 29); HEX: #a89942, RGB: (168, 153, 66); HEX: #70928e, RGB: (112, 146, 142)
HEX: #65ab7c, RGB: (101, 171, 124); HEX: #50759e, RGB: (80, 117, 158); HEX: #0022aa, RGB: (0, 34, 170)
HEX: #60569a, RGB: (96, 86, 154); HEX: #5f4c40, RGB: (95, 76, 64); HEX: #5b4a44, RGB: (91, 74, 68)
HEX: #a2d4bd, RGB: (162, 212, 189); HEX: #e2e1d6, RGB: (226, 225, 214); HEX: #d1dfeb, RGB: (209, 223, 235)
HEX: #f1e5d1, RGB: (241, 229, 209)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of cadetblue, Shade of mediumseagreen, Tint of steelblue, Shade of mediumblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of mediumaquamarine, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of aliceblue, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by coolor
Colors codes in palette
Noble Red, Prickly Pear, Pool Tide, Green Tea Candy, Secrecy, City Hunter Blue, Purple Opulence, Rain Drum, Bear in Mind, Flowerin color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#92181d | RGB(146, 24, 29) | Noble Red | — | |
#a89942 | RGB(168, 153, 66) | Prickly Pear | — | |
#70928e | RGB(112, 146, 142) | Pool Tide | — | |
#65ab7c | RGB(101, 171, 124) | Green Tea Candy | Tea | |
#50759e | RGB(80, 117, 158) | Secrecy | — | |
#0022aa | RGB(0, 34, 170) | City Hunter Blue | — | |
#60569a | RGB(96, 86, 154) | Purple Opulence | — | |
#5f4c40 | RGB(95, 76, 64) | Rain Drum | — | |
#5b4a44 | RGB(91, 74, 68) | Bear in Mind | — | |
#a2d4bd | RGB(162, 212, 189) | Flowering Cactus | — | |
#e2e1d6 | RGB(226, 225, 214) | Reserved Beige | — | |
#d1dfeb | RGB(209, 223, 235) | Happy Thoughts | — | |
#f1e5d1 | RGB(241, 229, 209) | Tulip White | — |
Color Palette Contrast
29 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#92181d | #50759e | 1.84 |
#92181d | #0022aa | 1.31 |
#92181d | #60569a | 1.38 |
#92181d | #5f4c40 | 1.09 |
#92181d | #5b4a44 | 1.05 |
#a89942 | #70928e | 1.17 |